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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Movie Review
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As the Band Played On. Define HIV&AIDs. How is the disease diagnosed?

Movie Review Instructions:

The Movie: As the Band Played on highlights the origin of HIV/AIDs. Please write a 2 page typed, double space paper (use APA 7ed format). Please include a cover and reference page.
1. Define HIV and AIDs, how is the disease diagnosed? (use textbook) 2points
2. What are the clinical manifestation of the AIDs? (use textbook) 1 point
3. In the movie - what role did the CDC play in investigating HIV/AIDs? 1 point
4. Identify the ethical issues highlighted in the movie? 1 point
5. How was the population of HIV/AIDs patients treated in the movie? 1 point
6. How were resources/funding allocated to promote research on HIV/AIDS? 1 point
7. Explain how the movie impacted you personally? 2 points (make it up)
8. APA format with reference page (movie and textbook) 1 point
-give more info on heavier weighted items
-textbook is Medical-Surgical Nursing: Assessment and Management of Clinical Problems, 11th ed, Lewis/ Bucher/Heitkemper/Harding/Kwong/Roberts

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As the Band Played On
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As the Band Played On
Define HIV and AIDs. How is the disease diagnosed? 
HIV is a ribonucleic acid (RNA) virus that attacks cells that assist the body to fight infections, rendering the victims vulnerable to opportunistic diseases and infections. It is considered retrovirus because of its replicating nature that occurs in a backward manner. Similar to all viruses, the replication of HIV only takes place inside a living cell, primarily the CD4 cell. The entry of HIV into the CD4 cell occurs by binding itself to the protein receptors that are located on the outside of the cell (Harding et al., 2020). The prolonged effects of HIV in the body result in severe loss of cellular immunity, which lowers the body’s resistance to malignancy and infection, causing AIDs. In particular, HIV causes AIDs if it does not receive proper medical attention in its early stages. The diagnosis of the disease is made by conducting tests to determine the presence of HIV antibodies and/or antigens. Saliva or blood is used to perform HIV screening tests in the body and usually takes several weeks (window period) before HIV antibodies and/or antigens are detected (Harding et al., 2020). It usually takes approximately three weeks after infection for HIV to be detected in the body. 
What are the clinical manifestations of AIDs?
The clinical manifestation of the disease progresses from acute to chronic infection. The acute HIV infection stage develops within two to four weeks after an individual becomes newly infected with HIV. Patients portray mononucleosis-like syndrome of fever during this period, among other symptoms such as sore throat, lymph nodes, nausea, diarrhea, pain in the joints and muscles, and diffuse rash. Often other individuals experience neurologic problems that include facials palsy, aseptic meningitis, Guillain-Barre syndrome, and/or peripheral neuropathy (Harding et al., 2020). At this time, the volume of HIV circulating in the blood is quite high, and the CD4 cell count drops momentarily but quickly returns to near baseline levels. This is the period where individuals are most infectious due to the high viral load. 
The chronic HIV infection encompasses the asymptomatic and symptomatic infection stage. The asymptomatic infection is the initial years of infection where persons infected with the disease portray no symptoms or show limited signs of infection. Besides, the period between the early stages of HIV infection and the diagnosis of AIDs is approximately ten years when the infection is not treated. The symptomatic infection is the stage where the body CD4 cell count has severely dropped to about 200 cells/µL, and the amount of HIV in the blood is increased (Harding et al., 2020). The symptoms at this stage become apparent with indications of persistent fever, sweating, chronic diarrhea, constant headaches, and severe fatigue.  
In the movie, what role did the CDC play in investigating HIV/AIDs?
The CDC was responsible for identifying the primary cause of HIV/AIDs and how the disease is transmitted. The doctors at CDC utilized surveillance data to track people who died fr...
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