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6 pages/≈1650 words
4 Sources
Visual & Performing Arts
Movie Review
English (U.S.)
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“Stability and Freedom” in Breakfast at Tiffany’s Essay

Movie Review Instructions:

Write a film evaluation essay for Breakfast at Tiffany's
~If you find this film is not a good option, reach out to me and we can discuss alternatives including changing your film.
1.REWATCH your film and take notes.
2. Cluster notes/impressions into broad categories/key insights into film.
3. Decide on a SINGLE focus/thesis (i.e. deception as theme)
4. Examine/develop 3 ways in which the focus/thesis is realized in film (deception as illustrated through character a, character b, character c OR as reinforced through 1 stetting, 2 music, 3 dialogue)
5. Draft an outline.
6. Prepare draft and submit for review by instructor
SEE ESPECIALLY "analytical essay" 18-32; this is the type of evaluation you are writing although yours is in the five page range AND no outside sources are to be used in writing the Film Evaluation paper.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:

“Stability and Freedom” in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Student’s Name
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Due Date
When a Character Portrays Two Sides – “Stability and Freedom” in Breakfast at Tiffany’s
Breakfast at Tiffany’s, written in 1961 by George Axelrod and directed by Blake Edward is a film that is loosely based on the novella of the same name, written in 1958 by Truman Capote. In between periodic visits to Tiffany’s, as well as the Sing-Sing prison for a weekly “weather report,” Holly Golightly, a fashionable socialite, becomes smitten with her newly moved in neighbor, Paul Varjak. Paul Varjak, on the other hand, is a struggling writer who maintains his standards of living by being kept by 2E Failenson, a wealthy female benefactor. Despite the chaotic lifestyle that Holly leads: throwing wild parties and entertaining many suitors, Paul Varjak allows himself to be drawn into Holly’s frivolous world; however, Holly’s need for stability causes her to behave in unusual ways when she experiences an impending sense of stability. Her need for freedom further prevents her from allowing other characters to get too close to her because she is fearful that those others will have a certain amount of power over her. This paper discusses the theme of stability and freedom as depicted in Breakfast at Tiffany’s. This paper explores this theme through protagonist Holly’s independent self-perception whereby she sees herself as complete and needing no assistance from outside parties; her uncertainty and need for freedom which is evident when she is seen jumping from relationship to relationship; and her trust issues and need for stability which cause her to trust no one apart from Paul Varjak and Fred.
Holly’s independent self-perception is evident in the film when Paul walks into the library where Holly is seated, reading a book. He approaches her from behind and gives her a kiss on the check, which Holly coldly responds to. Paul proceeds to ask Holly to step outside for a talk which she refuses to do. Paul asks her what the problem is and she responds by saying “will you please leave me alone” (1:27:04). Paul disregards her request and confesses to Holly that “I love you” (1:27:07). She seems startled by his confession and she immediately pulls away. She then stands up and walks away, claiming that she is going to the “ladies room.” Paul is adamant in his pursuit of her. She follows her and tells her that “I am not now nor have I ever been Fred nor am I Benny Sharklet whoever he may be. My name is Paul, Paul Varjak, and I love you” (1:27:25-1:27:36). Holly is taken aback by Paul’s admission. She sees this as a way in which Paul might be able to control her. She reacts to this news by telling Paul that she is getting married to a South American called Jose De Silver Pereira who she described as “handsome, wildly rich, and absolutely “kuku” for me” (1:27:59-1:28:04). Holly refuses Paul’s proposal because she thinks that he wants to own her. Holly has this inherent perception that everyone wants to own her, and to...
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