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Critical Process Paper. Alcohol, Tobacco, Fast Food. Social Essay

Essay Instructions:

Analyze ONE of the following topics:
1. Should alcohol, tobacco, fast food and/or pharmaceutical advertising be prohibited? Make a case for and against.
2. Select TWO public service announcements from the Ad Council ( Link) https://www(dot)psacentral(dot)org/ and make an argument for or against their effectiveness. What issue would you create a psa for?
3. Analyze any recent public relations campaign.
4. Discuss the cultural and economic influence of the Walt Disney Company.

Critical process papers should be written as a formal paper with an introduction, clear thesis statement, body paragraphs discussing the topic, and a strong conclusion. I'm interested in reading about what you have to say about the topic, so don't rely too heavily on outside sources. If you do choose to quote an outside source, make sure to include an in-text citation and full citation at the end of the paper. MLA or APA format should be used for the paper. For more information about proper formatting, please visit the Purdue OWL online resource: Research and Citation Resources.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Should alcohol, tobacco, fast food and or pharmaceutical advertising be prohibited?
The advertisement on tobacco, alcohol, pharmaceuticals and fast foods is done by almost all media channels globally. The ads create negative impacts in society that the use of the products is okay. The media messages running to the potential consumers are misinforming people to buy these products in large quantities and frequently. Hence, this paper discusses why alcohol, tobacco, fast foods, and pharmaceutical products media adverts should be banned. The adverts forces people in over-consumption for the need to belong, cause ill-health and negative cost implications and as well and distorting consumer buying behavior by over-value the benefits and cost of the products.
The advertisement of tobacco, alcohol, fast foods, and pharmaceuticals increases the desire and the actual consumption of these products by adolescents and young adults. The media adverts of these products run during the prime times. The significant population of adolescents and children watch television during these periods and having the adverts aired will impact their thinking such that they will always think that the intake of the products is cool. Hence, the population grows up thinking and knowing that the products are not harmful since their campaigns occurs all through public medial channels. The continuous airing of the ads glorifying these products makes the age group think that they are the best at the expense of all the other good products in the market. The children and adolescents develop a wrong notion and implication that the products are socially acceptable and they indulge in the activities for commercial or leisure activities thinking that everyone embraces using the products ( Advertising of junk foods, drugs, alcohol, and tobacco should be prohibited to avoid a bad influence on the young growing population.
Alcohol, Tobacco and fast-food advertising affects the intake rates and in return the heath of the consumers. The consumers of these products are not able to resist the lure from the advertising that projects the consumers are "cool" people and as such become addicted. High consumption of alcohol and tobacco for long period results in health-related complications that affect the entire lives of the consumers. The banning of these products advertising would result in the reduction of the ill-health related problems that result from the "forced" consumption of these products. The World Health Organization report on the media ban of alcohol advertising indicates that the bans would reduce alcohol-related ill-health by 5% (World Health Organization, 8). Additionally, too much consumption of fast food can result in medical conditions such as high blood pressure, obesity and heart problems. The advertising of fast foods projects them as convenient, less-costly and tasteful. These messages appeal to a high population especially the adolescent and young-parents who over-rely on fast foods resulting in negative health impacts. Thus, the ban on the advertisement of these products would protect humans from the ill-health that results in consuming the products.
Advertising of Alcohol, Tobacco and fast food has a...
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