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Dorment flawed criticism of Dr. Slaughter’s article ‘Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.’

Essay Instructions:

please write a 7 page analysis essay paper, USE THE PUTLINE BELOW AS A GUIDE FOR THE PAPER
Your essay will explore why either Slaughter or Dorment's argument is flawed. Use three other essays / outside sources to aid in your analysis. Two of these sources need to come from THE ARTICLES POSTED IN THE BACKGROUND INFORMATION.
The essay should have a concise and discernible thesis and outside texts should be properly cited according to MLA guidelines.
Each paragraph should include a clear topic sentence and provide supporting details and should be logically organized and focused.
Students should use basic rules of grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Each essay should also be double-spaced and follow MLA guidelines for indentation, heading, title, and font.
This should be a minimum of 7 pages of written analysis. The title page and cite page will not be applied toward the overall page count.
After reading additional research, list 2-3 flaws this research exposes in EITHER Dorment's or Slaughter's arguments.
Your response is not supposed to be opinion based but based on the facts in the research. Use quotes from the articles to back up your points.
You only need to focus on the flaws in one author's argument.
Anne-Marie Slaughter’s article
Richard Dorment’s Article
Must include at least 2 of these sources and at least 3 sources total (Background information sources)
Current sources in essay
Introductory Paragraph
Hook: There are far too many reasons as to why women are not able to achieve everything they would like to in their life.
Background Information:
Men Do More at Home, but Not as Much as They Think- Claire Miller
The Truth About Children of Working Mothers- Denise Cummins
The Motherhood Penalty vs. the Fatherhood Bonus- Clair Miller
Thesis: In the article “Why Women Can’t Have It All”, Anne Marie Slaughter points out that women can have a family as well as a successful career, however her article leaves out the disparity in work/life balance, household work, and the negative effects a working mother may have on her children.
Body Paragraph #1
Topic Sentence: When men do not pick up more household work women are left doing more work at home which in turn makes them have to cut back in their professional lives.
Supporting Details
Women are now working more but men are not doing more childcare and household work (the costs of motherhood are rising)
Challenges masculinity (gender equality’s final frontier)
Some men do more paid work after they have kids(motherhood penalty vs. fatherhood bonus)
Dads did 5 less hours of housework and moms kept the same amount they had to begin with(men do more at home but not enough)
Concluding Sentence: As time goes on women are increasingly working in a professional setting rather than being a stay-at-home wife and/or mother but men have not kept up with the changes.
Body Paragraph #2
Topic Sentence: When a couple has a child together the mother typically picks up more work around the house.
Supporting Details
Women worked 21 more hours and men worked 12.5 more hours (both paid and house work)(men do more at home but not enough)
The extra work women did was not in place of anything else it was supplemental but not for men
Mothers spend 13.9 hours a week on childcare and fathers spend 7 hours(Men do more at home but not enough)
Concluding Sentence: If fathers did their fair share of household work the mother of their children would more likely be able to excel in their job and get to where she would like.
Body Paragraph #3
Topic Sentence: Even if women are able to find the work/life balance that is ideal for them they will still expericance discrimination at their place of work.
Supporting Details
Effects start from when a woman starts showing to the early years of motherhood(pregnancy discrimination is rampant)
Negatively affects a woman's paycheck (pregnancy discrimination is rampant)
Pregnancy discrimination claims have risen (pregnancy discrimination is rampant)
Concluding Sentence: With the Pregnancy Act in place that kind of discrimination is still very wide spread.
Body Paragraph #4
Topic Sentence: Women not taking the adequate time off for maternity leave has the possibility of negatively effecting her child.
Supporting Details
41 percent of adults say the increase in working mothers is bad for society(the truth about the children of working mothers)
Infant daycare is not good for the baby(the truth about children of working mothers)
Concluding Sentence: As some mothers would like to return to the workforce as soon as possible that may not be ideal for their newborn baby.
Concluding Paragraph
Restate Main Idea: With more women working paying jobs men have not balanced it out by picking up more work around the house.
Sum up the significance of each aspect of thesis:
Men are not doing enough household work
Pregnancy discrimination is still very prominent
Women returning to the workforce too soon can have negative effects on her child
Concluding Statement: Although Slaughter pointed out some issues that society can improve on there is still much more that needs to be changed in order for women to “have it all”.
Excellent work, Sara. Your thesis is succinctly phrased, and your outline is cogently structured. So good work there. As you go on to write this, remember that this essay needs to be grounded in Slaughter's argument. So for each section you will need to use a specific reference from Slaughter's article to pin point the flaws in her argument. It is a good idea to reference where she does acknowledge these points. Slaughter does mention that her partner's support allowed her to take the job in D.C. So she does reference how important a supportive partner is, yet states that without changes to policies in the workplace, women still face obstacles to balancing work / family. You might find that Dorment has more flaws in his argument that relate to the holes you pointed out. Of course, you do not have to change authors -- that's just a suggestion. However, you should point out where Slaughter acknowledges the issues you bring up and then showcase how there is still a hole in her argument.

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Dorment flawed criticism of Dr. Slaughter’s article ‘Why Women Still Can’t Have It All.’
Dorment responded to Dr. Slaughters article criticizing it of overlooking some realities about what men also go through. He argues that feminism has come a long way and the things women want to be overhauled are not necessary and in fact hurt men. He argues that men cannot have it all because of establishment of new structures and programs that favor women. However, Dorment’s understanding and criticism of Dr. Slaughter’s article is wrong and or he ignores facts which she raises. Therefore, Dorment’s criticism is flawed and he misconstrues facts and Dr. Slaughter’s arguments in several ways. Dorment main points argues that women and men are all confronted with the same choices and therefore they should own up to them rather than complaining, however, his premise overlooks the fact that those very same choices have different consequences for men and women and they weigh women down. Here are some of the ways which his arguments are flawed.
Dorment citing a research by Ellen Galinsky, argues that men are increasingly facing more work-family conflict than ever before. He points out that Galinsky ‘saw the numbers begin to shift in the late 1990s, and by 2008, 60 percent of fathers in dual-earning couples were experiencing some or a lot of conflict compared to about 47 percent of women.’ He construes Galinsky’s findings to show that even men cannot ‘have it all’ in the modern working environment and women seems to be benefitting at the expense of men. However, the assumption that the trend is a bad thing for men and women should have less to complain about is misleading. First, if more men are facing a lot of conflict in work-family related issues then it is a good thing rather than a bad thing. It is a sign that men are more involved in their families. It shows that modern men value, like and are spending more time with their families and helping their wives with the household chores hence juggling their increased responsibilities with their work is becoming increasingly difficult. It is a point Dorment echoes himself in the article and points out that ‘men spend more time with their children, and are more involved with their home lives, than ever before.’ He also quotes other studies that show that though men ‘still lag behind women in hours clocked at the kitchen sink, men do more than twice as much cooking and cleaning as they did fifty years ago.’ Dorment seems to insinuate that this new trend is a bad thing for men, the family setup and the society at large which is anything but a bad thing. There is a direct correlation between the increase in the involvement of men in their families especially with doing household work and increase in their work-family conflict. Thus, the increase in work-family conflict men are facing is as a result of men now taking the blunt which women have been historically grappling with. Women have been juggling between their work and their families hence they reported higher work-family conflict but since more men became involved, women experience relatively work-family conflict and men...
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