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Why Klein Used the Words “Ideological” and “Orthodoxy” in her Text

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Why does Klein use the words “ideological” and “orthodoxy” and how do they strengthen her argument about how to fight climate change?

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Student’s Name: Instructor’s Name: Course Number: Date: Why Klein Used the Words “Ideological” and “Orthodoxy” in her Text. In her text, "Hot money: How Free Money Fundamentalism Helped Overheat the Planet", published in 2014, under the journal, The New Humanities Reader, Klein elucidates that the "pillars of the neoliberal age" are "incompatible with many of the actions we must take" to combat climate change. The author asserts that the pillars form standard barriers of ideologies that block meaningful response and curbing of the adverse effects caused by the crisis of climate change. In strategic points of her work, Klein uses the term "economic orthodoxy" to refer to an additional barrier that prevents humanity from transitioning away from fossil fuels. The author uses the two terms; "ideological" and "orthodoxy" to describe the nature of the specific barriers that prevent human beings and scientists from fully addressing the issue of climate change terming them as being both ideological and orthodox. An ideology is a collection of evaluative standard beliefs and values that an individual or group of people holds, created to guide their stay, behavior and well-being other than having already written and knowledgeable reasons. In most of the environments, ideologies are established and developed on the course of basic assumptions about the reality of the specific nature of an individual or a group of people, other than on basis of facts. The term is significantly used in political and economic contexts to describe systems, ideas and ideals which form the theories of the economic or political body. In addition, the causal connotations made in the context of creating beliefs, values and customs depend on the outcomes of a test event and the significance of the variables used. Orthodoxy translates in Greek to "right opinion". This term is used to refer to the art or act of an individual to adhere to the mutually accepted codes of conduct, creed and the correctly dictated ways of life. The term is essentially used in religion as a way of educating people of their conformity to the rules set and applied in the early church, in the case of Christianity. Orthodoxy, in plain words, is the collection of doctrines that have been clearly set and accepted for use in the general church or any other religion in the world. An instance to this is in certain English speaking nations where a group of people such as the Jews adhere to all the traditions, doctrines and commandments indicated and legislated in the Talmud creed. Klein states that when it comes to preventing negative impacts of climate change and maintain the currently running international trade, humankind has the option of sitting down and wait for the apocalypse or take particular course of actions that will eventually eliminate the phenomenon. However, as much as these resolutions aim on ensuring the satisfactory of the habitability of planet earth, there are specific barriers that threaten the capacity of human professionals to boldly respond to the crisis of climate change. Klein states that the barriers are ideological and this is because of the sense that they are evidently orchest...
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