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Rhetorical Analysis of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

Essay Instructions:

Now that we have read and thoroughly discussed what a rhetorical analysis is and the three appeals (ethos-credibility, pathos-emotions, and logos-stats/facts/logical argument), you are going to complete your own rhetorical analysis of The Great Gatsby.
Keep in mind that the purpose of a rhetorical analysis is to decide if the author is persuasive; you would use the appeals to do this. For example, if you think the novel is not persuasive, you might talk about how the appeal to ethos and logos are weak. You need to be descriptive here and provide evidence from the novel to support your answer. You also need to make sure you discuss all 3 appeals and explain if they are strong or lacking (thus that would lead to a strong persuasive or weak persuasive argument). Remember, you are not telling me whether you agree with Fitzgerald or not. Before you can determine the persuasiveness of the author, you are going to have to figure out what it is that he is trying to say with his novel; think themes that we discussed last unit. This essay will be worth 140 points. If you have any questions or need clarification, don’t hesitate to ask me. Please refer to the rubric to understand how I will grade this essay.
MLA Style
Works Cited
In-text citations
Direct Quotes
Thoroughly discuss and explain these!!
Discussion of all 3 appeals
Avoid summarizing the novel
Avoid giving your own opinion of the topic
Correct comma usage for Rules #1-7
1 point off for each 1st/2nd person pronoun used

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Rhetorical Analysis
The Great Gatsby is a novel set in New York and is about Jay Gatsby, who is aimed at winning back the love of Daisy Buchanan, but it seems not to be working out as he would have wished. The author, F. Scott Fitzgerald has succeeded in portraying this argument through the use of ethos, pathos, and logos that have made the novel persuasive. For example, the author has used strong ethos to show Nick’s credibility; for instance, the author says that he is “inclined to reserve all judgments” of other people (Fitzgerald). In this case, the authors show that Nick is a tolerable individual who preserves his personal views as well as the judgments of other people to himself. Nick’s credibility is also strengthened when the author says that he “graduated from New Haven” and also took part in the “Teutonic migration known as the Great War” (Fitzgerald). Nick’s educational achievement and his contribution to the war are critical because they are considered with the utmost respect.
Additionally, the author has also used pathos to show how much Gatsby was determined to be with Daisy. The author has used pathos to show why he does certain things and why he believes in certain ideas. The author asserts that “Gatsby had faith in the green light, the orgastic future that recedes before us very year.” The green light, in this case, symbolizes Gatsby’s hopes that he will be with Daisy again (Fitzgerald). He struggles to find the passion he once had for her when he was young. Most importantly, the pathos used here helps th...
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