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Essay on two question in 500 words. The Wars. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

Answers should be written in essay format which means there should be an introduction and a conclusion and body paragraph/s. Each answer should be 400-500 words.
Question1: Who or what is a hero? After reading The Wars should we consider Robert Ross a hero? What is the purpose and what are the benefits of re-evaluating official and past narratives on heroism and revising them accordingly?
Question 2 :Some critics argue that Medicine River is meant for educating non-indigenous communities about the everyday lives and cultural practices of indigenous communities. Do you think the novel serves a purpose in educating the larger Canadian society about indigenous culture? With examples from the novel explore how the novel constructs the indigenous communities and cultures in relation to the notion of Canada.
Write one question of 500 words
And the other question of 500 words.
Total 1000 words.
Include inroduction, body paragrph”s and conclusion in just 500 words for question 1
And same with question 2
Mention the questions.

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The Wars
Many wonders if heroes actually exist. There are different kinds of heroes. The fictional ones are the heroes that are seen or read in novels, books, comics, and movies. The real ones are those who are considered as modern-day heroes such as front-liners in the medical field, the military forces, etc. The jobs of these people require them to be heroes in their own profession. But when does a person considered to be a hero?
Heroes are those that can be considered as role models – those that people look up to. Despite having different special abilities and skills, they have one thing in common. All heroes have perseverance, especially when faced with a conflict. Traits inherent to a true hero include nobility, bravery, and the ability to sacrifice oneself to save another. These traits are what make a person a hero. These heroes are then admired for their actions and/or the result of their actions. In Timothy Findley’s The Wars, the meaning of a hero was redefined. The traditional meaning of the hero also has danger and brutality on its own. Findley was able to show how the nature of war along with other minor characters affects the protagonist, Robert Ross, in discovering how one should define a hero.
Before experiencing the cruelty of war, Robert perceives himself as the hero of her sister Rowena, her own personal protector. However, Rowena’s death caused Robert to realize his inadequacy as her guardian since he failed to save her during this trying time. Due to his shortcomings, he inflicts to himself that he deserves to suffer as well. Findley was able to effectively manipulate the character of Robert Ross and make him appear as a distorted kind of hero. Robert might not be the traditional hero seen in the movies but he can be considered as a hero of his own. He possessed the traits of being a hero – courage, determination, and willingness. His actions as a soldier all have consequences that could have caused harm to others. Despite this, it can’t be denied how Ross valued life and gave so much importance to this. He also showed how much he loves his family and put himself in a situation for the good of others. As a soldier, he did not have any heroic acts that could make him a war hero. But, as a person with the totality of his whole being, he was a hero of his own and by those people who got to interact with along the way (Bottez).
This heroism is based on past narratives that are revised and modified. The use of narratives gave hope, meaning, and importance on what it’s like to be a hero. Through these narratives, these heroic stories can inspire people and promote personal growth at the same time. It also provides wisdom and knowledge that are imparted to us by the heroes in the story.
Medicine River
Indigenous people located in various places contribute greatly to the uniqueness and how a certain place was shaped through beliefs and ways of doing things. In particular, the hi...
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