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Annotated bibliography about issues of the business field. Technology Replacing Human Labor in Organizations

Essay Instructions:

Students who choose to write about a distinct issue within their fields will also need to perform research within their field's literature; interview practitioners in their field; and evaluate the changes that are happening in their field due to issues related to the economy, technology, personnel, psychology or sociology, etc.
Your goal is to identify an issue that you believe will affect you in your career of choice; this can range from caregiver fatigue in healthcare to immigration and law changes for those going into criminal justice, political science, or law. In this argumentative paper,
Identify the issue in depth through precise academic research,
Discuss current strategies that practitioners take to fight the issue, and
Highlight future implications to you as a worker, to the industry, etc

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Technology Replacing Human Labor in Organizations
The last decade experienced a seismic wave in technological advancements at workplaces. Businesses and enterprises adopted technology to advance their operations, with a lot of duties now taken over by machines. Computers and robots are now handling more than 90 percent of all the work that human beings did, thanks to artificial intelligence. Robots are taking on human labor in industries, with the only section of the work remaining being the management and operations of the robots. Computers and the internet led to the development of artificial intelligence that now covers all these, and is sweeping human laborers out of normal employment in organizations. The effects of technology replacing human labor are evident, but still attracts a lot of research to inform and keep experts and novices knowledgeable about the topic. This ranges from the type of technology, their operations, their impacts, the future developments of the same technology and survival tactics for the next years. To properly understand this, a thorough research on what other authors published is conducted, with an annotation of their materials, and the importance they have to this research.
Campa, Riccardo. (2018). Still Think Robots Can't Do Your Job? Essays on Automation and Technological Unemployment. D Editore.
This detailed analysis focuses on the impacts of technology on employment. It explains this by digging on the different collections by other authors on every technology that impacted the employment sector. It analyses and explains the broad topics relevant to this research. This is an easy approach as every item is covered, and readers can check on, and find the specific sections of interest. Given the broad items discussed in the topic, it makes it even easier to elaborate by singling out the different sections that this research may not touch on. It will be the duty of the reader to conduct an additional research by checking on this book.
Deming, David. (January 30, 2020). The Robots Are Coming. Prepare for Trouble. Retrieved from: /2020/01/30/business/artificial-intelligence-robots-retail.html
David’s work points out that people are already troubled and stressed by the fast-growing technology that replaces them in their employment positions. He confirms that they have to be more worried as a lot is yet to happen through automation. E-commerce is fast growing, with companies like Amazon doing great in their adoption of a virtual commerce space. This contribution of artificial intelligence is improving business bu reaching a wider population, improving safety and saving on time doing business. Other than the worry, he confirms that humanity cannot blame technology, but work on embracing it and providing solutions to the unemployed through trainings. Hence, they handle the current businesses by doing the complex duties of modeling and coding the systems. This is the kind of approach that addresses the feelings of people in the world today, and the actions they need to take to solve the problems that may come with it.
LaGrandeur, Kevin. & Hughes, J., James. (2017). Surviving the Machine Age: Intelligent Technology and the Transformation of ...
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