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Wild Animals Should Be Held In Captivity For Entertainment Purposes

Essay Instructions:

Compose a paper that argues about the controversial presence of wild animals (terrestrial and marine) in zoos and aquariums (or other venues like circuses or racetracks) for human entertainment and profit. Do you believe that animals can be ethically and humanely placed in these venues so that the general public can better learn about and appreciate them through this contact? Does the animals’ captivity also benefit their overall safety, quality of life, and longevity, which supersede any concerns we may have about their status?
Determine your stance on whether or not wild animals should be held in captivity for entertainment purposes and identify specific claims/reasons to support your position. While it may be acceptable to include a personal anecdote (particularly in the intro and conclusion), use of external sources and course reading materials will be important to lend credibility.
This paper MUST include 4-7 academically reliable sources besides the material presented in class. Be sure to meet the minimum number of sources required to avoid having points deducted.
Final draft must have a minimum of 1300 words and a maximum of 1600 (do not exceed 1600 words). The word count is not including the cited page

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Animal Captivity
Humanity always holds itself in high regard and thus considers all other creatures as inferior. However, what is unknown to many people is that all creatures of the world exist independent from the other. The birds, the lions, the elephants, the tigers, etc. all have lives and want to exist in environments that help them to grow and appreciate what is around them. But, instead of allowing them to exist on their own and in their natural habitats, mankind has taken upon himself to ensure that all animals are kept for his pleasure. The right to life and freedom of movement appear to apply to mankind only and hence the many zoos that are inexistent. However, since creatures exist independent from the other, it is only right to make sure that animals live in environments that help them grow and exist independent from human beings. Animals do have rights and thus should not live in captivity. For mankind to want to keep animals in cages is selfish and only highlights the dark side of humanity, which is often loaded with pride and greed. Building on the above, this paper thus seeks to support the notion that animals should not be kept in captivity for entertainment purposes. The reasons discussed will be based on the notions that while living in captivity, animals are deprived of the ability to live freely and also the fact that the cages and zoos are never designed with the animals in mind but with people in mind and how they can get the most pleasure out of viewing the animals.
While living in captivity, animals are limited and cannot engage in their natural or instinctual behaviors as they should. For mankind, their choices are left untouched, and people are allowed to make whichever choices in their lives. However, when animals are held captive, they are denied their fundamental rights, which mainly include the right to make choices for their lives. Animals Charter (np) notes that animals held captive “have no ability to decide what they will eat, where they will sleep, or who their mates will be.” These are choices that need to be left untouched, but that humanity forcefully denies animals. Such choices confirm a creature’s existence and makes living worthwhile. With these choices taken away, animals get to have limited options, and this makes life stressful instead of easy enough to want to live the next day. For humankind, stress is only reserved for them, and it is thus difficult to consider that animals could be stressed as well. However, when their options are limited, animals get stressed, and it becomes incredibly difficult for them to live as freely as they should.
It is also crucial to point out that animals in captivity are forced to endure conditions of physical as well as psychological pain. The repercussion or implication of the above is that is hampers their development and changes the way they should live and develop. As indicated before, every animal needs its natural habitat to grow to enjoy life. However, when animals are kept in captivity and forced to do things they have not naturally evolved to do, they end up being in pain, and this also breaks their spirit as indicated by the World Animal protection (3). A good exampl...
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