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Alcohol, Tobacco, Fast Food Or Pharmaceutical Advertising

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Critical process papers should be written as a formal paper with an introduction, clear thesis statement, body paragraphs discussing the topic, and a strong conclusion. I'm interested in reading about what you have to say about the topic, so don't rely too heavily on outside sources. If you do choose to quote an outside source, make sure to include an in-text citation and full citation at the end of the paper.

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Should alcohol, tobacco, fast food and/or pharmaceutical advertising be prohibited?
Advertising gives prospective client an idea of who an organization is, their activities, and what they offer in the market for their clients. However, advertising is not often projected to give clients a meticulous aspect of the way a business is ran and operated. This, therefore, means that the advertisement will not disclose the effects and the problems that arise from the use of that particular product in an advertisement. Alcohol, tobacco, fast food, and pharmaceutical advertising, like every other advertising, will leave out important details on the effects that could result from improper use of these products. These products are not allowed to persons under certain legal ages; this means that these persons under these legal ages are not allowed to use and consume them. However, this becomes difficult since there is advertising everywhere, which creates substantial contagious awareness. In most cases, this appeals to the spirit of persons who are, in most times, too young to get exposed to these products. To clearly explain the danger of advertising alcohol, pharmaceutical products, and tobacco, it is essential to explain the effects of creating a positive public image about these products. What is the impact of their advertising? Do these effects warrant prohibition from advertising?
First, tobacco is harmful to people in various capacities. For one, smoking may result in a lot of acute respiratory diseases and infections, some of which may cause death. These include cancer and liver cirrhosis. Besides, it requires burning under a limited supply of air, which leads to toxic gases being emitted from the burning of the tobacco. These gases have chronic effects on the environment and the health of people. When these gases emitted accumulate in the air, they may form acid rain, which destroys buildings and water bodies by increasing the acidity turning the water acidic hence inhabitable and destroying the home of a lot of fish and different animal water species. In the atmosphere also, tobacco emissions destroy the ozone layer leaving the earth susceptible to direct rays from the sun, which are cancerous.
On the other hand, alcohol is a commonly abused drug. Alcohol has caused severe problems and sometimes fatal accidents. Alcohol seems to get better when taken in excess, and it has an element of addiction. On top ...
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