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Corporate social responsibility

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This is a business writing essay, our prof sees structure and organization extremely important. Please use simple sentence, and no fancy words needed.
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Corporate social responsibility
Business in the world has taking certain goals and most of individuals have invested in business to a position of coming up with their own companies. The big challenge is that not even those who are starting their own companies can differentiate between for profit and non-profit companies. Both profit and non-profit has organizations but on the other hand they have differences on their way of doing the business just like the way the name differ. This paper seeks to look at the meaning of the terms, way of doing daily routine, as well analyzing their CSR that they present to the public.
Though profit and non profit business sounds to be different, they share so many things in common. Both are believed to be generally companies in which assets are held as well business transacted in the name of corporation and not those of individuals. For these companies to do well, they both need to engender and bring in most revenue than they spend on operations. The fact is that both companies are involved in generating a good or service for the society. In other case, whether a company is for profit or not for profit, it is believed that the employers don`t receive their wages by corporation. This should not confuse someone id deciding that the not for profit corporation do not pay the workers.
Before we come up with a for profit company, it is good we have a look at the differences shared by both for profit and not for profit business. The fundamental difference is that both have to generate a profit for the up keeping of the organization. They have to generate money so that they are in a position to settle bills as well if a corporation want to acquire new assts then they are in a position to do so. It is not a smooth for both since incase the non-profit, they depend on contributions from well wishers and in some cases, and people may become reluctant in contributing which holds back the development of the corporation .
It is believed that the profit gained in both parties is re-invested in the organization but this is limited by the laws and they come up with ways on how much non-profit are allowed re-investing. In this case the profit is used to replace for example worn out assets and not like for profit organization where extra profit is distributed to the owner as cash, this making it the basic difference between for profit and non-profit organization.
Ownership of the organization is another difference between for profit and non-profit organization. In case of for profit corporation, it is believed that investors get together and transfer funds, assets and sometime one come up with his/her talent and from there they decide to come up with a corporations. In such situation the corporations is registered and from there they start benefiting from shares regardless of one contribution. On the other hand, non-profit corporation, it is individuals who come up with together a...
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