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Importance of Iron in Pregnancy

Essay Instructions:
please in introdaction talk about iron (role, sources, absorption and importance in pregnancy) in main body current literature relevant to iron in pregnancy, importance in pregnancy stage,diffrance between iron deficiency anaemia & iron deficiency and evidence on the effects of supplement with iron on pregnancy, adverse effect. Are supplement given regulary during pregnancy.
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Importance of Iron in Pregnancy
(September 29, 2011)
Importance of Iron in Pregnancy
Iron is one of the essential nutrients that the body requires in large amounts for its daily activities. It is a core component of hemoglobin; a blood protein that makes up the red blood cells and that is responsible for transportation of oxygen to body tissues. In addition, iron plays a vital role in various cell activities such as digestion; enzymes that aid in digestion are made up of Iron (CDC, 2011a). Iron is readily available from foods such as meat, liver and other organ meats, chicken and fish. Other sources include green leafy vegetables, whole meal cereals and their products, seeds, legumes, nuts, fruits and beverages such as Milo (Queensland Government, 2010; Royal Women`s Hospital, 2008).
Iron from plant products is not readily absorbed by the body, adding vitamin C rich foods such as citrus fruits, vegetables- broccoli and cauliflower and potatoes can make non-heme iron more bio-available to the body (Norfolk NHS). Vitamin C foods can also accompany animal products diets to ensure maximum iron absorption. Iron uptake can also be hindered by high concentrations of certain substances in the body, these substances bind iron making it unavailable for use; examples include phytates, tannins and some drugs ("Iron Absorption", 2001). When Iron is consumed in low levels especially in pure vegetarian diets, deficiencies such as iron deficiency anemia may result. Apart from diet iron can also be obtained from supplements and in this case, care should be taken to avoid intake of excess iron that may result in toxicity.
In pregnancy, the fetus has no capacity to transport oxygen for its needs and hence totally depends on the mother for supply. For this reason, it is important that the mother maintains good iron levels right before pregnancy and continues to take more iron as the pregnancy advances since demands increase to about 30-50 mg (Bedi, 2007). This paper will discuss further the importance of iron in various stages of pregnancy, the difference between iron deficiency anemia and iron deficiency, effects of iron supplementation on pregnancy and whether supplementation should be taken regularly in pregnancy.
Iron in pregnancy
In general iron is required for a smooth pregnancy and birth. Bedi (2007) asserts that low iron levels during pregnancy are the core cause of fatigue, fainting episodes and various other health problems. According to Shu & Ogbodo (2005), more iron is required in the second trimester to facilitate the multiplication of red blood cells and in the third trimester for organ growth and development as well as placenta enlargement. This does not mean that less iron is required in the first trimester, in fact Alwan et al. (2011), emphasize that low iron levels during this period increase chances of pre-term births, congenital defect and possible h...
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