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What is the administration’s role in evaluations.Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

In a four-page paper answer the following questions:
What are some of the reasons that staff may be resistant to or even fearful of evaluation?
How could evaluation be made non-threatening or even valued for workers in human service agencies?
What is the administration’s role in evaluations?
Think of the agency or an organization of your choice (I live in Bethlehem Pennsylvania). when answering the following questions:
How effective is the agency's planning and program design in responding to the needs of the social problems/customer it was intended to address or provide services to?
Does the agency have effective human resources and supervision practices to ensure success to meet the agency's goals?
What are the administrative roles in the agency and how does this affect staff, clients, and the human service agency environment?
Does the agency formally evaluate itself?
Please be sure to avoid using internet sources such as Wikipedia or other web-based resources that do not have strong academic backing. You will also be required to use in-text references in your work in accordance with APA style to avoid plagiarism. You must use at least 3 additional sources (at least two scholarly sources, such as scholarly or peer-reviewed journals) to support your claims.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Staff Evaluation
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In most organizations or companies, the staff is resistant to or even fearful of evaluation. The first reason is the fear of losing the job. Some employees might not be working as efficiently as they are required to work (Sutton, 2018). They resist changes in the workplace and even go against regular evaluations. Another reason is the lack of interest. Some of the staff members do not have any interest in getting promotions and increments. They are happy with their current salaries and positions and thus resist evaluations. The third main reason is poor communication. Communication can solve all problems, but when some of the team members refuse to communicate, their performance may get impacted. At the time of performance evaluation, they hesitate or resist everything because they do not want others to know the facts. Another main reason is a lack of trust. Sometimes, employees do not trust the person who is going to evaluate their performance. In an organization where there is a lack of trust, the management will never be able to get the desired results.
The first way to make evaluations non-threatening or valuable for the entire team is providing adequate feedback to every person. The management must check the performance of the staff members on a regular basis and should give feedback in written forms (Ensuring Consistency from Staff, 2017). For example, if someone has shown bad performance, then they should not be insulted before the entire team. Instead, they should be given the feedback in written form and suggestions on how they can improve themselves. Secondly, the HR or the management of an organization can guide everyone on how to change their behaviors and develop effective working habits. For example, if the team spends the entire day chatting or on unnecessary things, then the management or the HR should urge everyone to change their behaviors or habits as soon as possible. Another idea to make evaluation non-threatening or valuable for the whole team is comparing the performances of all team members. Those who give good performance must be rewarded, and those who have given bad performance should be taught how they can improve in the coming days. A friendly environment has to be created in the office so that every employee can feel safe, secure, valued and respected.
The administration can provide individual feedback to everyone. It is their responsibility to regularly check the performance of the entire team. If someone is not working well, he or she should be warned once or twice, and then their salaries must be deducted so that they can learn a lesson. Another thing the administration needs to do is giving respect and value to everyone without any discrimination. It is a common observation that in some offices, male employees are praised and valued more than female employees. This type of behavior or treatment can cause restlessness among female workers. Next, the administration should provide a copy of the job description to every new employee so that they can have an idea of what they are to do during the office hours and what types of benefits they will get. The administration can also conduct performance-based evaluations on a weekly basis, and t...
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