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Conflict case Univerity vs.Sudent Association

Essay Instructions:
HI! I need to write one page of essay it will be a group work my part will be the statistic what I have to analyze summarize.I will attach every information. his essay will be group work. 4 of my classmate will write the following section: Data of Problem – – 2)Clarifications 3) arguments –4)suggestions and my part is the: some ideas about & stats Please read the storie first.I found one stats but this 15-24 years of age. If you can find something else it will be good. I did not find yet stats about Condom use University student in Canada yet.
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Condom Use
Considering the ban by the administration for supply of condoms to students by the student body, we have done the following research in order to show the management that the move they have taken is not for the good of the students at large. First, it is good to come into term with the fact that sexual affairs in the campus is at rise and we should come up with ways of curbing spread of sexually transmitted infections as well as unwanted pregnancies.
Based on results by Canadian Community Health Survey of 2003 and 2009/2010 for the age bracket of 15 to 24 years it is clear that as an individual advance in age he/she becomes more active sexually. At ages 15 to 17, 30% reported having had sex compared to 86% of 20 to 24 years of age. Additionally, 30% of the 20 to 24 years of age claimed to have had sex with multiple partners. It is also clear that use of condom decreased with age. The 2009/2010 results showed that 80% of 15 to 17 years to 63% among those in 20 to 24 years of age (Saewyc & Ogilvie, 2008
In another research by the Harvard College Alcohol Study (CAS) showed that 90% of college student are sexually active. This may lead to unprotected sex as a result of alcohol abuse. The results showed that 8% of the students had unprotected sex as a result of drinking while 2% were victims of sexual assaults related to alcohol consumption. 64% of drank students said they hardly use condom while having sex (Rotermann . 2012)
In conclusion, from the two separate researches it is clear that sexual immorality in campus is inevitable and therefore in order to avoid spread of sexually transmitted infections as well as unwanted pregnancies it is good to ensure that condoms are available any time for the students who cannot control their sexual desires. So it is my plea to the administration to withdraw their decision and allo...
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