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Religion & Theology
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Comparative religion paper. Religion & Theology Essay

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The forward of our World Religions textbook (p7) states: “The Study of other religions can be both enriching and purifying. When we expand our knowledge of religious matters, we often understand our own point of view as Christians better through comparison and contrast. We also feel challenged in a positive way to practice what we believe more sincerely and to understand our relationship with God more deeply.”
Furthermore, the Catholic Church at Vatican II in the document titled Declaration on the Relationship of the Church to Non-Christian Religions (Nostra Aetate) states: “The Catholic Church rejects nothing that is true and holy in these (non-Christian) religions. She regards with sincere reverence those ways of acting and of living, those precepts and teaching which, though differing in many aspects from the ones she holds and sets forth, nonetheless often reflect a ray of that truth with enlightens all.”
Essay: comparing and contrasting religions we have studied thus far, that is Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism and Christianity . Write an in-depth essay comparing and contrasting the religions we have studied thus far, including Christianity. The essay should be approximately 3 sides in length. You may include how the study of World Religions has affected your spiritual life thus far.

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Comparative Religion Paper
There are various religions across the globe. Religion aims at creating harmony in society and expounding on areas such as love, death, life, and other aspects of human lives. The study of various religions as Christians provides an opportunity to understand the mysteries covered by those religions and enlighten Christians on rituals and practices. Also, learning about other faiths sheds intercultural literacy. Various religions are associated with multiple beliefs and practices that are intertwined with cultural practices (Wallace, 2006). By learning more about a given religion, one gets an enlightenment of the underlying cultural beliefs and practices. This analysis takes an in-depth comparison and contrast of various religions such as Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and Christianity.
The various religions across the globe can be compared in terms of their beginnings, influence, founders, historical aspects, and scriptures. In terms of their beginnings, Christianity established its origin from the teachings and guidelines of Jesus Christ. For Islam, Muhammad is credited as the founder of the religion after he received word from Allah to spread it in the Arab region. Moreover, Buddha got spiritual insights and decided to spread the insights across the world, gaining many followers and altering various social, political and religious aspects of the followers. Hinduism, on the other hand, has no specific founder, blurring its origin. Notably, it is composed of many traditions and teachings, with more than 900 million followers, mainly in India.
All the four religions have scriptures in various forms, containing guidelines and teachings of the respective religion. For Christians, the Bible includes Jewish texts, as well as twenty-seven books forming the New testament. In Islam, the Q...
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