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Organizational Behavior Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

Using Organizational Behavior and Management (10th edit) by Ivancevich and Konopaske. Describe the culture of the organization for which you work or one with which you are familiar. Use concepts found in text. Discuss the culture in terms from Schein's description of the culture or from one of the other definitions of culture contained in the text above. Describe whether the features of the culture that you describe provide positive or negative results for the organization. Second part of paper:
Review the text discussion of systems theory and organizational effectiveness. Thinking of an organization with which you are familiar, describe the main features of its inputs, process, and outcomes (or outputs). How do these features work together to affect the outputs? In other words, if you were to change a process or an input how would it change the output (if at all)?

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Organizational Behavior
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Part One
Successful organizations such as Walmart are built on strong and effective organizational cultures. Organizational culture is essential because it helps to establish ways which the company responds to challenges at the workplace. Organization culture helps to explain the behavior of employees in various institutions and industries including the retail industry. Over the years, various scholars have made attempts to define organization culture and develop models that assist companies to recompose their cultures whenever things are not going as planned including Edgar Shein. According to Shein “Organizational culture is defined as a pattern of basic assumptions that that a group has invented, discovered or developed in learning to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration (Bellot, 2011). Based on the above definition, there are four distinct components that define and characterize Walmart’s organizational culture.
The first component of Walmart’s culture entails service to customers. Considering the increased competition in retail industry, provision of superior service to clients helps to give Walmart a competitive advantage. In this regard, it ensures that it provides goods and services that meet the needs and preferences of their consumers (, 2020).. The second component that defines Walmart’s culture is respect for employees. The retail giant takes pride in the services and efforts of its employees and has several initiatives in place to acknowledge them for their contributions. For instance, it runs a successful employee of the month program where employees who have excelled in different capacities are recognized. The third component concerning Walmart’s culture is the high regard it has for excellence. It provides a conducive work environment that encourages individual workers; the team and the entire organization achieve their goals and objectives excellently (, 2020).. Lastly, Walmart’s culture is built on integrity. To this end, Walmart promotes various virtues including honesty, impartiality an...
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