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Management Case 4 Questions and Answers. Management Essay

Essay Instructions:

Provide your best answers to the following questions in a Word document, using full sentences, following a Q & A format. Total pages expected to answer the questions: 3-4 pages.
1. Explain what is meant by “mandatory bargaining topics” and provide three examples.
2. Give a brief overview of the National Labor Relations Act and what it covers. Does it have another name? Has the NLRA been amended? If so, by what law?
3. Give a brief overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
4. What is the Railway Labor Act?
5. What is the Landrum Griffin Act?
6. WhatistheAFL-CIO?
7. What are some common exceptions to employment-at-will?
8. What do the following terms mean: “union shop,” “closed shop,” and “agency shop”?
9. What is the intent of “right to work” laws?

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Management Case 4 Questions and Answers.
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1 Explain what is meant by “mandatory bargaining topics” and provide three examples.
There are three divisions of bargaining topics and one of them is mandatory bargaining. Topics under mandatory bargaining ere health, safety, wages, management rights, working conditions and awards. Organizations render these as some of the most significant topics because of their direct impact on employees and that is why they should be addressed. Examples of what these topics entail include plans on improving and maintaining the health of employees, structure, pay rate, payments on basis of performance and benefits.
2 Give a brief overview of the National Labor Relations Act and what it covers. Does it have another name? Has the NLRA been amended? If so, by what law?
The term labor relations refers to the interactions and businesses between employers and the employees of a particular organization. These relations are massively created and dictated by the government of a country clearly stating and explaining the standards of how organizations should treat their employees.
The National Labor Relations Act was implemented in 1935. The policy was important as it elevated the performance of employees, boosted the working industry and gave the employees a variety of rights which include rights to boycotts and strike, creation of collective bargain as a union and the overall right to opposition in rejection of a specific rule or for achievement of a specific outcome.
The NLRA, is also known as the Wagner Act and as much as it has had numerous advantages including curbing the problem of employee retaliation, it has one major shortcoming with the fact that it only covers the interests of the employees of the private sector. Lastly, the NLRA was massively and importantly amended by the passing of the Taft-Hartley Act which was viewed to be undermining the abilities that the act had given to employee unions. Therefore, the Act was activated to monitor and regulated the unions.
3 Give a brief overview of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act was initially given to employees in 1989 but it was extended with the purpose of protecting employees who violate the ethical and/or legal obligations of their firms.
4 What is the Railway Labor Act?
The Railway Labor Act was enacted in in 1926 to monitor and ensure effectiveness of labor interactions in the railway field. The act was extended to cover the airline business in 1936. The primary objective of this law is to decipher better ways of resolving labor conflicts such as arbitration, mediation and bargaining and in the run, avoid protests and strikes. The law also determines the degree of the conflict allowing strikes in cases where the dispute is termed as major after the failure of negotiation and arbitration in its resolution...
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