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Choosing a Teacher Assistant Management Essay Paper

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Dr. Dirks, must select a teaching assistant (TA) for a paying summer project for a TA. 1. Roberto: an exchange student with excellent grades; needs money to complete studies. 2. Michelle: a married student that is dependable, want to pursue PhD., only wants experience. 3. Carson: has a GPA 4.0; has numerous responsibilities with Family and could use the funds. 4. Analisa: A minority student in the department that feels like an out cast, but a very good researcher and writer, would be an asset to the project. Writing assignment; 1. Of the four TA's available to Dr. Dirks, which is the most ethical? 2. Using the principles of distributive justice, who would Dr. Dirks choose to become the TA? 3. From Heifetz's perspective can Dr. Dirks use this decisions to help department and faculty face a difficult situation? Should she? 4. Do you agree with Burn's perspective that it is Dr. Dirk's responsibility to help followers assess their own values, and needs in order to raise them to a higher level that will stress values such as liberty, justice, and equality? If so how can Dr. Dirks do that through this situation? State the Christian worldview on the response of this situation. Use APA 7th edition please.

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Choosing a Teacher Assistant
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1 Of the four TA's available to Dr. Dirks, which is the most ethical?
Analisa is the most ethical alternative. Brooks & Watson (2017) state that educators should understand the importance of conducting an extensive analysis of racism. Individuals have their specific experiences with racism and their cultures. The majority should give their minority counterparts time to learn the evolution and adapt to the environment (Northouse, 2016). Analisa is a smart student who has not had the opportunity to showcase her research and writing skills because of her race. In a school environment and this particular case, the most effective form of leadership is one that produces change (Northouse, 2016). Dirks should use the TA position to motivate and inspire the team members and satisfying the most special unmet needs like equality.
2 Using the principles of distributive justice, who would Dr. Dirks choose to become the TA?
Dirks’s most appropriate choice would be Roberto. The concept states that society’s economic, political, and social factors do not allow for equal distribution of resources among all the members. These principles provide leaders with the moral guidance that requires identifying the specific human political processes that caused the imbalance. This study's kind of distribution consists of both the benefits and burdens of society (Lamont & Favor, 2017). Roberto is an excellent student who needs money to pay for his education. According to desert-based principles, one has the freedom to apply for positions where they would use their talents to make well-deserved wages. One of the distributive justice system goals is to reach a common "social interest" where people collectively contribute to improving one's living standards. Therefore, Roberto would use the money to improve his life significantly.
3 From Heifetz's perspective, can Dr. Dirks use these decisions to help the department and faculty face a dif...
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