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Career Development Plan

Essay Instructions:

Create: Your personal five year career development plan using the Career Development Plan Model.
Identify your career goal for five years from now. What do you want your career to look like in five years. Make this a stretch goal and it is a good idea to think big and identify a "dream job".
Identify the knowledge, skills and abilities (KSA's) you will need to achieve that goal.
Identify your current KSA's
Using both lists identify the gaps in your KSA's that you will need to close.
Identify at least three specific action plans that will help you achieve your career goal. The actions must be detailed and specific. The more depth and details to the career plans the more likely you will be to reach your career goal.
This is one assignment you are doing for yourself and your future. The more effort you put into the assignment the more likely you will achieve your career goals.
My goal is to become Director of Cyber Security in for PG&E Utility company . My current role is a Sr IT Project Manager for Cyber Security.
Completing College is one of my goals
Family support (Husband)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Career Development Plan Student Name Institutional Affiliation Career Development Plan Employee development is critical in the modern workplace. Without growth, it is impossible for employees to progress in their careers. The job market has become more competitive which means that employees to have a career development plan. Such a plan is critical in creating a blueprint for attaining desired future career goals. Currently, I a senior IT project manager for a cybersecurity company. Having been in the IT field for a couple of years, I have gained a lot of experience in cybersecurity. My goal in the next five years is to become Director of Cyber Security in for PG&E Utility Company. Currently, I have an understanding of cybersecurity risks that are associated with different technologies. I have skills on how to manage different technologies to ensure that they are protected from attackers. Due to my current position as a senior IT project manager, I have gained a wealth of experience in how to protect systems. My ability is attention to detail which ensures that I identify vulnerabilities easily. This allows me to analyze complex technical information to identify patterns and trends that may expose a company to attackers. In order to achieve this career goal, I would need various knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s). Firstly, I would need to improve my IT skills and knowledge of hardware, software, and networks. PG&E is a large company that has complex computer systems. Being a director of cybersecurity in the company will mean that I have to take time and improve my skills in IT. Secondly, I would require a deep understanding of how hackers operate. The nature of criminal cyber-underworld is changing with criminals becoming more sophisticated (Churchill, 2015). Given that PG&E is a company that may attract the attention of hackers, I would require to be aware of th...
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