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Impacts of Technology on Children Writing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

This essay must include no less than EIGHT citations from
ONE additional credible and reliable source selected by the student.
Citations are to be a combination of direct quotations and paraphrased quotations
with or without the author's name.
The essay must also include a Reference List.

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Impacts of Technology on Children
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Technology has resulted in a lot of changes in the world of education, medicine, military and production industries, among other places. The advance in the technology and the development of devices through which individuals can use to access the internet has resulted in both a positive and negative impact in the society. Through technology, people have been able to carry out activities faster and more effective as compared to how it used to be without technology. The availability of computers, smartphones, tablets, and video games are an indication that the world is surrounded by technology. In addition, children are using such technologies both in school and at home. Therefore, the technology has enabled the children to learn a lot of things that the parents had not dreamt of. However, despite the benefits that technology is having in the world, there are various negative impacts that it has on the children.
Technology has delayed the development of the children's social skills hence making it difficult to associate effectively with their peers. The internet tends to be addictive, and hence, this results in the children spending much of their time browsing instead of spending it with their families. Such children tend to be more virtually connected to online friends, whereby they share photos and text one another instead of meeting and interacting with other people. The young generation has turned into playing online games, chatting on social media platforms, and sometimes watching contents from harmful websites (Lauricella, Wartella & Rideout, 2015). As a result, the children find it difficult to associate with people in real life and will always appear to be unhappy when around other people. This has also affected their classroom work because the children find it difficult to associate in group activities designed for their studies. Socialization skills are one of the key skills necessary in making the life of a child interesting in the classroom environment. Hence, if they lack that skill, then it becomes a challenge for them to enjoy school life, yet it is a necessity in their life. In addition, some parents have made a huge contribution to the ability of their children to lack social skills as a result of the internet and other technological addictions (Clinton & Steyer, 1970). Some parents concentrate more on their work, leaving their children in the care of house helps. They rarely get the time to interact with their children to find out how they have been. Working parents might get at home when the children have already slept and leave early in the morning before the children wake up. Hence, they are only left with the weekends, whereby they have to catch up with friends and still create time to interact with their children. Children raised in such environments tend to be more addicted to technology as compared to the children whose parents are always available for them. In addition, the children fail to develop their social skills by replacing the presence of their parents with the internet. Therefore, the children's choice of spending most of their free time online reduces their chances of experiencing the real world and end up havin...
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