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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Health science. Health, Medicine, Nursing Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Vark results visual 4 aural 6 read/write 7 kinesthetic 5
In a paper (750‐1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:
Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?
Cite to at least three peer‐reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.

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VARK is the abbreviation of four models of Learning. These styles of Learning were initially set out by Neil D. Fleming and Coleen E. Mills in a study done in 1992 to assist learners in pointing out their approach of Learning (Covaci, 2017).
Multimodal (RK)
Multimodal (RK) is my learning style, according to the VARK Questionnaire. Kinesthetic and read/write were the dominant strategies in the results. The Multimodal method demonstrates that I can engage in various learning styles, preferably without any effect. The fact that I am a multimodal learner means that I am more likely to well in a class setting that applies various learning styles.
Comparison between Reading/Write and Multimodal learning styles/strategies.
My current learning preference is to read/write. I prefer to read/write because it enables me to absorb much of the content I read. This style allows for taking short notes on key points throughout the reading that does help in future referencing. I prefer to read and write other than being involved in group discussions.
Read/Write compared to the Multimodal learning style is less superior as it does incorporate all learning styles like the multimodal style. The multimodal method gives learners the space to learn more content and quicker so that the ability to recall in the future will be much better. Read/Writing learning style makes learners less attentive as they wait to do personal studies after classes. Multimodal is a very engaging style that incorporates all learning styles ensuring all reviews are included, unlike reading/write, which is selective (Balasubramaniam & Indhu, 2016).
How Learning styles affect the learner’s degree of understanding or Perform educational activities
Visual Learning Style
This is the style that enables learners to incorporate and integrate details when presented to them in symbols, charts, pictures, diagrams, etc. This model mends students into thorough learners in a class setting. It gives learners a chance to learn at first hand rather than having to go through long handouts and slides.
Auditory Learning Style
Auditory is a learning strategy where a student prefers learning through sound, conversations, and videoclips. This learning style is done through discussions and lectures. However, this style of Learning involves less reading/writing, and thus, there is a chance of underperforming if there is no further follow up after the discussions.
Reading/Writing Learning Style
This learning preference involves reading books, notes, and making short notes for future reference. It is seen as a tedious way of Learning; however, it does enable the learner to make maximum use of the books and notes. Read/write is one of the best learning styles known to improve education performance.
Kinesthetic Learning style
It's a learning strategy where the learners have to be involved in the learning process physica...
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