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Home Care Application: Decision Making and Conflict Management

Essay Instructions:

Access the "Allied Health Community" media and select "Scenarios" to access the scenarios for this course. Review the instructions and legend information. Read the Home Care scenario for this course and complete the following assignment:
Write a 900 word paper. Identify the steps associated with making decisions within in health care? What types of conflict were present among the employees in the home health company? What would have been the best decision-making model to use in this case study, why? How would you use negotiation models to resolve conflict in this situation?
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Decision Making and Conflict Management
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Decision Making and Conflict Management
In healthcare settings, professionals are not immune to conflicts. In an attempt to offer healthcare services to patients, nurses often find themselves disagreeing with their colleagues. When nurses do not agree on the best way of offering care, this can cause misunderstanding among them which has adverse effects on the quality of care offered. In such situations, it is critical for nurses to address such issues in order to improve the services to the clients.
Steps in decision making
The first step is defining the problem which entails the problem affecting the healthcare facility or department. This step is important because one gets to identify the problem that has hindered the provision of quality healthcare. At this stage, individuals are concerned about what should or could be happening in a healthcare facility (Guo, 2008). The second stage is establishing the criteria. Here, healthcare professionals establish the criteria that are desirable by identifying what they want to achieve. The third phase is considering the alternatives that can be used to address the problem. At this stage, healthcare professionals establish the possible choices that meet the criteria.
The fourth phase is identifying the best alternative. The identification of the best alternative is critical addressing the problem at hand. The selection of the mist suitable alternative usually depends on the intuition and experience of the individuals making the decision (Guo, 2008). The next stage is developing and implementing a plan of action. After agreeing on the best alternative, it is critical to implement the decision. This entails outlining how the plan of action will be implemented. It also includes identifying the resources that will be needed in the actual implementation process. The last stage of decision making is evaluating and monitoring the solution. At this phase, the decision is troubleshooter to identify what could go wrong and what can be done to correct emerging challenges.
Type of conflict
In the home health company, there is interprofessional conflict. In a team, interprofessional conflict occurs when two or more professionals contest for privileges, responsibilities, and authority (Anthony, 2016). In such a case, some professionals have their scopes of practice overlapping, causing some individuals to claim to an area of expertise. In the home health company, the various healthcare professions have different points of view regarding the quality of care offered to the clients. The eight managers do not like the changes that have taken place since the revamping of the system a year ago. Due to the failure of the eight managers to chart information according to the new policy, the rest of the managers feel that this will create confusion and errors. The eight managers then claim that that the new system presents various risks to the patients.
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