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Research On Managing Stress In The Workplace/Business

Essay Instructions:

I need a literature review and an annotated bibliography (with the research used) about the research on managing stress in the workplace/business. You can start out more general regarding the mechanism of stress in the body, mindfulness, yoga, creative arts therapies, etc, or whatever else you find, then narrow it down to managing stress in the workplace, if that helps? (I am creating a course on stress management for businesses to use with their employees to increase productivity, promote wellness, work life balance and increase worker satisfaction) I'm guessing about 35 pages of literature review and 5 pages of the annotated bibliography?
I am paying for 40 pages now. If you need more pages let me know.
You can take longer than the 30 days! :-)

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Stress Management in Business and the Workplace
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Stress Management in Business and the Workplace
Strain or tension resulting from physical or psychological factors causes stress, which acts as a response to anxiety provocation. The feeling of stress presenting itself for a short period is normally termed as acute stress; if it persists for a continuous period, then it is referred to as chronic stress. Unlike Chronic stress, acute stress may help an individual learn how to control dangerous and more critical conditions in the future. Moreover, stress may also lead to serious health complications when an individual does not learn how to manage these provocation feelings for a continuous period (Tran et al., 2020).
Importantly, in the occurrence of stress or tension, the body responds by producing hormones and as a result make the brain more vigilant, strain muscles and escalate the pulse rate. These responses are satisfactory in the management of the feelings of tension and act as mechanisms of the body towards safeguarding itself. As a result of chronic diseases, an individual may be at risk of health consequences alongside conditions such as obesity, depression, and heart diseases, among others. In the case where an individual is already diagnosed with a serious health condition, chronic stress may aggravate the situation to a more critical condition (Tran et al., 2020).
Stress symptoms
Inability or loss of concentration from time to time is an indication that an individual is experiencing some level of tension (Patro & Kumar, 2019). At times, the body seems to show the insufficiency of strength to perform a relatively simple errand at the workplace or business due to the individual's tension. The stress may also exhibit the individual to be in very deep thoughts away from the current surroundings and happenings. Reliance on drugs or alcohol to ease tension is also an indication of stress experienced in an individual. Whether temporary or continuous, some level of drug abuse may affect the brain similarly to how stress affects the brain and, hence, reduces performance at a workplace or business. Moreover, abuse of drugs or alcohol in easing tension may lead to addiction, posing a health risk for the individual experiencing the stress.
Additionally, stress may be exhibited through loss or gain of weight by a stressed individual in a work of place or in a business. People experiencing stress conditions may tend to make poor decisions when it comes to diets by either forgetting to take their food or consuming the wrong types of foods. In some cases, the stress may make an individual lose the will or interest in eating and losing weight. In the same way, having difficulty sleeping or getting enough sleep might also imply that an individual is experiencing stress. Despite a pleasant place and ample time to sleep, stressed people may have difficulty getting sleep and experience drowsiness during working hours at their businesses or workplaces. Tiredness and exhaustion may lead to poor performances in a work area or in a business place (Patro & Kumar, 2019).
Headaches caused by tension might also indicate that an individual is experiencing stress. These headaches ar...
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