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Visual & Performing Arts
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Reflection on Visual and Performing Arts Living with Art by Mark G.

Essay Instructions:

use specific example of works of art and reference scholarly excerpts from the text book.
the text book online web: https://archive(dot)org/details/Living_with_Art_by_Mark_Getlein/page/n4

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A Reflection on Visual and Performing Arts
A Reflection on Visual and Performing Arts
Since the beginning of human civilization, people have needed to create new things. The initial purpose of creating things is not always clear. However, it feels right to say that there is a purpose behind any piece of art as well as being an artist. Art is commonly known as a form through which people express their feelings, ideas, experiences, and perceptions about different life aspects. It reflects and enriches the life of the artist and the general society. Through its various forms, art has proven to be an essential part of human interactions and existence. Its importance prevails even though its forms vary from time to time. Generally, art can be defined as the effort to create a more human entity, other than the real world. This explains the increasing number of studies and research focusing on art, its various forms, and implications in society over the years.
In its various forms, art developed alongside the evolution of human civilization. Modern art is relatively different from ancient art, but its elements, forms, components, and modes of communication have persisted. The basic elements of art-line, form, value, and space- play a key role in creating and composing a piece of artwork, as well as in conveying the intended message. Also, they determine its nature and relevance to the target audience. Art from Ancient Egyptians, Incas, and Aztecs comprised elements of the simplest forms (Getlein 250). They included meticulous pieces of art including wall paintings, pyramids, masks, tombs, and jewelry. Despite their simplicity, these pieces of art had a significant role in the lives of the society at the time. They depicted their cultural and religious beliefs, traditions, and other aspects of their daily socioeconomic activities. Similarly, the Romans and Greeks used artworks as a means of recognizing and appreciating life. It is important to note that different culture has different preferences for art and its meaning. For example, a particular form of art can have religious significance in one community but have a different or no significance to other communities.
Throughout the years, art has transformed from its primitive state to the more complex and modernized versions of the 21st century. Modern civilization is complex compared to that of the previous centu...
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