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Social Sciences
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Blog Post Two: Film or Television. Social Sciences Coursework

Coursework Instructions:

For this assignment, students step into the role of “cultural critic.” The tone of blog posts is professional but entertaining. Students should write for a diverse audience who may not be familiar with the text or texts discussed, the genre the text is part of, or the concepts learned in class and applied when analyzing the text (or texts).
Blog Post Two: Film or Television
Students will choose a film, TV series, or single episode of a TV series and create a 500 – 750-word post describing, analyzing, and evaluating the visual text. Films or television programs discussed cannot be part of assigned cultural content.
To achieve core area objectives, students will be asked to pay special attention to the following questions:
How does what you have learned from class apply to the cultural object? (Critical Thinking)
In what way does the production of the cultural object affect the final product? (Critical Thinking)
How is the artist/author/musician/actor/director/etc. (artist for short) positioned in society (race, class, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, disability)? (Social Responsibility)
How does the artist’s position in society affect the production, consumption, interpretation and reception of the object? (Social Responsibility)
How does the object represent an ethical position? If an ethical position appears to be missing, what could be the reasons that it is missing? (Personal Responsibility)
After you take notes on the topic of your blog, think about your paper. Writing is a process, and should not simply answer the above questions. This is where critical thinking and communication are important.
Generate a thesis (a claim you will make and support throughout your blog post). Your thesis should be related to ideas from the course (think about representation, social construction, power, discourse, etc.).
After you have a solid claim, identify reasons you have for making your argument and evidence that supports it.
Your blog post should be well structured. Each paragraph should be coherent and cohesive. They should contain reasons and evidence that clearly support your claim (thesis). The reasons and evidence explored in the paragraph should be communicated in a topic sentence.
Always proofread before handing in the final draft. Blogs are dynamic and multimedia. Be sure to include pictures and hyperlinks to videos about the topics that you discuss. Also make sure to link to relevant material.
Write each blog post in a word processor before transferring it to the discussion board. Each post should be 250 - 750 words, standard 12-point font (i.e. Times New Roman, Courier, Cambria), double spaced, one-inch margins.
As always, make sure you are familiar with the guidelines found here: Sociological Concepts.docxPreview the document
*A note on citation. Students will be expected to cite everything. Keep in mind that linking is very important to effective blogging. You should be linking to everything that you refer to in your blog posts. All instances of plagiarism will result in failing the assignment and will be processed under the Honor Code.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:
Cultural Critic
From our class, we have learned that Culture is the set of beliefs, practices, and norms that belong to a group of people with a social bond. The movie that I have chosen is Avatar by James Cameron. This movie showcases cultural heritage and a set of interconnectedness and relationship of an individual towards his social group and environment. In this movie, we see two clashing cultures. One side is about scientific discovery, gain of resources, and expansion of territory in a foreign world. The other side is about living in interconnectedness with their people and their home.
The movie portrays the clashing of two different worlds, and how one protagonist is at the middle of it all. Sully, is the one who is giving the inside perspectives of the two cultures. Avatar is a movie that is imbued with literary elements of symbolism and meaning.
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