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Multiple choice quiz Management Coursework Research

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Hello, here's a quiz. It's all multiple choice questions in this quiz and I will also give you a powerpoint just in case. If there's any questions, you can find the study notes for chapter 14 in the powerpoint. Thank u so much.



ESL 2181 Chapter 14 Concept Quiz (7. 5%)

A/Instructions: Match the following words and definitions (10 points)

  1. ______ Leadership

  2. ______Servant leadership

  3. ______Contingency leadership

  4. ______Fiedler’s contingency model

  5. ______The Hersey-Blanchard situational model

  6. ______House’s path-goal theory

  7. ______The Vroom-Jago leader-participation theory

  8. ______Transformational leaders

  9. ______Emotional intelligence

  10. ______The interactive leadership style


a)    advises leaders to choose decision-making methods—individual, consultative, group—that best fit the problems to be solved.

b)   point out that no one leadership style always works best; the best style is one that properly matches the demands of each unique situation.

c)    process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.

d)    recommends using task-oriented and people-oriented behaviours, depending on the “maturity” levels of followers.

e)    matches leadership styles with situational differences in task structure, position power, and leader-member relations.

f)     the ability to manage our relationships and ourselves effectively, is an important leadership capability.

g)    emphasizes communication, involvement, and interpersonal respect.

h)    points out that leaders should add value to situations by using supportive, directive, achievement-oriented, or participative styles.

i)     use charisma and emotion to inspire others toward extraordinary efforts and performance excellence.

j)     is follower-centred, focusing on helping others fully utilize their talents.


B/Instructions: Circle the correct response (30 Points)

1) The intent of ________ theories was to identify characteristics that might differentiate leaders from nonleaders.


A) behavioural

B) situational

C) transformational

D) trait





2) According to the University of Iowa studies, a leader who tends to centralize authority, impose work methods, and make unilateral decisions has a(n) ________ leadership style.


A) transactional

B) democratic

C) autocratic

D) directive



3) According to the Ohio State Studies, a leader who is high in ________ is characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings.


A) initiating structure

B) consideration

C) employee-orientation

D) production-orientation



4) According to the Ohio State Studies, a leader who is high in ________ assigns group members to specific tasks, expects workers to maintain standards, and focuses on deadlines.


A) initiating structure

B) consideration

C) employee-orientation

D) production-orientation



15) According to the University of Michigan studies, leaders who were ________ were associated with higher group productivity and higher job satisfaction.


A) directive

B) achievement-oriented

C) employee-oriented

D) production-oriented



6) Which of the following did Fiedler develop to measure a leader's style?

A) least-preferred coworker questionnaire

B) most-preferred relationship questionnaire

C) most-preferred manager questionnaire

D) leadership aptitude survey


7) Fiedler has identified three contingency dimensions that define the key situational factors for determining leadership effectiveness. They are ________.

A) consideration, initiating structure, and leader-member relations

B) position power, task structure, and consideration

C) initiating structure, position power, and consideration

D) task structure, leader-member relations, and position power


8) Fiedler defined ________ as the degree of influence a leader had over activities such as hiring, firing, discipline, promotions, and salary increases.


A) position power

B) expert power

C) leader-member relations

D) consideration



9) Fiedler concluded that ________ leaders performed better in moderate control situations.


A) task-oriented

B) achievement-oriented

C) relationship-oriented

D) production-oriented



10) Hersey and Blanchard's situational leadership theory focuses on ________.


A) leader-member relations

B) the leader's preferred style

C) the followers readiness

D) environmental variables


11) According to Hersey and Blanchard, which leadership style is best if a follower is both unable and unwilling to do a job (R1)?


A) delegating

B) selling

C) participating

D) telling



12) According to path-goal theory, which leadership behaviour is used when a leader lets subordinates know what's expected of them, schedules work to be done, and gives specific guidance as to how to accomplish tasks?


A) achievement-oriented

B) directive

C) supportive

D) participative



13) According to path-goal theory, which leadership behaviour is used when a leader sets challenging goals and expects very high performance levels from subordinates?


A) transactional

B) achievement-oriented

C) relationship-oriented

D) task-oriented



14) According to the path-goal theory, employee performance and leadership style are likely to be positively related when ________.


A) the leader adopts a directive style when the tasks are clear and the employee has the experience and the ability to handle them

B) the leader displays directive behavior at all times

C) the leadership style compensates for shortcomings in either the employee or the work setting

D) the leader adopts a directive style of leadership with followers who have an internal locus of control


15) The leader-member exchange (LMX) theory states that employees in the in-group will have ________.


A) more respect for the leaders

B) less respect for the leaders

C) less turnover

D) more self-confidence



16) In the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, the leader chooses in- or out-group members, but the follower's ________ drive(s) the decision.


A) position in the company

B) characteristics

C) self-confidence

D) achievement orientation



17) Which type of leaders guide or motivate their followers toward established goals by clarifying role and task requirements?


A) charismatic

B) autocratic

C) transactional

D) transformational



18) Which type of leaders pay attention to the concerns and developmental needs of individual followers, help followers to look at old problems in new ways, and are able to inspire followers to put extra effort into the group goals?


A) transactional

B) transformational

C) transcendental

D) charismatic



18) Evidence indicates that ________ leadership is strongly correlated with lower turnover rates, higher productivity, and higher employee satisfaction.


A) transactional

B) charismatic

C) transcendental

D) transformational



20) ________ leadership is the ability to create and articulate a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of the future that improves upon the present situation.


A) Visionary

B) Charismatic

C) Transactional

D) Transcendental



The Team Leader (Scenario) 

Carl has been a team leader at Triad Corporation for three years. To effectively lead his team, he spends a lot of time performing various roles. This morning he spent two hours in budget sessions with Finance, and another hour meeting with the vendor of an important production component. His team had discovered a problem with the component yesterday, and he knows how critical it is to the quality of the finished product. On a typical day, Carl will spend about three hours dealing with influences from groups both inside and outside the company. This afternoon he is scheduled to meet with his work team for two hours to consider the vendor's solution offered at this morning's meeting. Later in the afternoon, he will be mediating a dispute between three team members who are arguing about overtime assignments. He recently learned the technique of letting the parties involved in the dispute come up with their own solution. The rest of the time, Carl visits employees at their work area as he walks to or from meetings, or he goes out to the floor to simply chat about the day and offer support to encourage continued high work performance.


21) When Carl chats with employees and offers support to encourage continued high work performance, he is performing which of the following roles?


A) conflict manager

B) coach

C) troubleshooter

D) task master



22) While attending the budget sessions and vendor meetings, Carl was performing which of the following roles?


A) conflict manager

B) liaison with external constituencies

C) transactional leader

D) task master



23) In leading his employees, Carl tries to ensure that they are involved in decision making and he encourages them to participate in deciding their work methods and goals. According to the University of Iowa Studies, Carl uses a ________ leadership style.



A) laissez-faire

B) democratic

C) supportive

D) directive



24) ________ power is based on a person's desirable resources or personal traits.


A) Expert

B) Referent

C) Reward

D) Legitimate



25) ________ power is based on the leader's ability to punish or control.


A) Reward

B) Coercive

C) Expert

D) Referent



26) ________ power is based on the leader's ability to give positive benefits or favourable performance appraisals.


A) Reward

B) Expert

C) Referent

D) Influence



27) Global competitiveness and multinational influences from increasing use of common technologies and management practices have increased the universal appeal of ________ leadership style regardless of country or culture.



A) participative

B) employee oriented

C) transformational

D) transactional



28) Successful leaders in tomorrow's workplaces will need to ________.


A) exhibit increasingly charismatic traits to win over followers

B) adapt continuously to complex and dynamic environments

C) set goals of globalization above all to succeed

D) increasingly focus on goal-achievement and profits


29) Increasingly complex and dynamic global business environments require leaders who ________.


A) act paternalistic toward employees to inspire goal orientation

B) are directive, goal oriented, and task focused to get the job done

C) step out of the way when the best leadership comes from someone else

D) depend fully on the role of a leader to inspire employee support


30) Organizations are finding that individuals with higher levels of ________ are more receptive to leadership development opportunities.


A) referent power

B) motivation to lead


C) expert power

D) integrity




Coursework Sample Content Preview:
ESL 2181 Chapter 14 Concept Quiz (7. 5%)
A/Instructions: Match the following words and definitions (10 points)
1 ___c___ Leadership
2 ___j___Servant leadership
3 ___b___Contingency leadership
4 ___e___Fiedler’s contingency model
5 __d____The Hersey-Blanchard situational model
6 ___h___House’s path-goal theory
7 ___a___The Vroom-Jago leader-participation theory
8 ___i___Transformational leaders
9 ____f__Emotional intelligence
10 ____g__The interactive leadership style
* advises leaders to choose decision-making methods—individual, consultative, group—that best fit the problems to be solved.
* point out that no one leadership style always works best; the best style is one that properly matches the demands of each unique situation.
* process of inspiring others to work hard to accomplish important tasks.
* recommends using task-oriented and people-oriented behaviours, depending on the “maturity” levels of followers.
* matches leadership styles with situational differences in task structure, position power, and leader-member relations.
* the ability to manage our relationships and ourselves effectively, is an important leadership capability.
* emphasizes communication, involvement, and interpersonal respect.
* points out that leaders should add value to situations by using supportive, directive, achievement-oriented, or participative styles.
* use charisma and emotion to inspire others toward extraordinary efforts and performance excellence.
* is follower-centred, focusing on helping others fully utilize their talents.
B/Instructions: Circle the correct response (30 Points)
1) The intent of ________ theories was to identify characteristics that might differentiate leaders from nonleaders.
A) behavioural
B) situational
C) transformational
D) trait
2) According to the University of Iowa studies, a leader who tends to centralize authority, impose work methods, and make unilateral decisions has a(n) ________ leadership style.
A) transactional
B) democratic
C) autocratic
D) directive
3) According to the Ohio State Studies, a leader who is high in ________ is characterized by mutual trust and respect for group members' ideas and feelings.
A) initiating structure
B) consideration
C) employee-orientation
D) production-orientation
4) According to the Ohio State Studies, a leader who is high in ________ assigns group members to specific tasks, expects workers to maintain standards, and focuses on deadlines.
A) initiating structure
B) consideration
C) employee-orientation
D) production-orientation
15) According to the University of Michigan studies, leaders who were ________ were associated with higher group productivity and higher job satisfaction.
A) directive
B) achievement-oriented
C) employee-oriented
D) production-oriented
6) Which of the following did Fiedler develop to measure a leader's style?
A) least-preferred coworker questionnaire
B) most-preferred relationship questionnaire
C) most-preferred manager questionnaire
D) leadership aptitude survey
7) Fiedler has identified three contingency dimensions that define the key situa...
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