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Week 4 Discussion Questions: From Amsterdam to Lisbon to Brexit

Coursework Instructions:

This is weekly discussion from PLOS 3610 course. Please answer all the questions. If you have any questions let me know ASAP. This discussion due in 26 hours.
Part 1. Be prepared to discuss the pros and cons of enlargement from Amsterdam to Lisbon
1. Which countries were pro enlargement? Why?
2. Which countries were against? Why
3. Is Hungary in favor of enlargement? Why or why not?
4. What compromises were made along the way?
Part 2.
Summarize the main argument and its supportive evidence of the article due this week.
1. What is the mood of the article: euro-pessimistic, euro-optimistic, or neutral? Explain.
2. How does the main argument and the mood of the article relate to the Hungary and its thoughts on the evolution of the EU and Brexit?

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From Amsterdam to Lisbon to Brexit
Which countries were pro enlargement? Why?
The countries that supported the enlargement of the European Union were France, Germany, and the central and east European member states. Germany and France agreed to the enlargement because they are more interested in the political and financial benefits of the enlargement (Chopin and Lequesne 538). Since they are bigger and founding member states of the EU, the enlargement will enable them to gain much advantage over other countries concerning political authority and markets. The central and east European member states agree to the enlargement because it would guarantee their freedom from Soviet domination. Despite the unfavorable policies presented by the EU, these countries consider their membership as advantageous because of privileges such as the adoption of the Euro.
Which countries were against? Why
The countries that were against the enlargement were UK, Denmark, and Sweden. These countries joined the EU mainly because of economic reasons. The common market was important in integrating the economy of the countries through the exchange of services, capital, and goods. However, the enlargement of the EU would lead to higher competition since the countries would have an equal opportunity in the EU market. Therefore, their opposition is triggered by the competition from the new member states that pose a threat to their economy.
Is Hungary in favor of enlargement? Why or why not?
Hungary strongly supports the EU enlargement. The support of the country is greatly influenced by political and social forces. Hungary acknowledges the achievements of the EU and recognizes them as important elements in their agenda of establishing social and economic modernization. Hungary is also in favor of the enlargement because of societal security. Being a member of the EU guarantees access to EU subsidies and leads to economic stability. The policies set by the EU also guarantee legal, financial, and strategic benefits.
What compromises were made along the way?
The enlargement greatly favored existing member states while forcing new members to conc...
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