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HRL300 Organisational Leadership Management Coursework

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This module has two pieces of assessment, an individual case based analysis (40%), and an individual essay based on leadership related topics (60%). It is your responsibility to submit your coursework via moodle, prior to the deadline. If for any reason your work cannot be opened it will receive a mark of zero. Word documents only will be accepted. 该模块有两部分评估,⼀个是基于个案的分析(占40%),另⼀个是基于领导⼒相关主题的 论⽂(占60%)。 Assessment 1: Course work 1 Based on a Case Study (40%) Word Count: 1500 words (excluding references) Answer the following question, drawing upon the case study available on the DLE (AGP Case Study), using relevant theory and empirical (cases or examples supported by academic and relevant references) evidence. Do not simply supply an account of the case study. You are required to provide an informed critical evaluation of the leadership, issues and challenges evidenced in the case study, relating it to theory that you have studied in class. Your answer should be in 1500 words, using a range of sources. There will be samples posted on the DLE along with sample answers for illustration. Please see the marking criteria attached for guidance of the allocation of marks. 使⽤相关理论和经验(由学术和相关参考⽂献⽀持的案例或示例),利⽤DLE上的案例研究 (AGP案例研究)回答以下问题。 不要简单地提供案例研究的说明。 您需要对案例研究中 证明的领导⼒,问题和挑战进⾏明智的批判性评估,并将其与您在课堂上学习的理论联系起 来。 CW1: How can leaders manage organisational challenges in an increasingly global crisis-ridden environment? Explore this question in relation to the given case study, empirical material and relevant theory. CW1:领导者如何在⽇益全球化的危机环境中应对组织挑战? 与给定的案例研究,经验材 料和相关理论探讨这个问题。 案例研究-AGP AGP是英国的移动和电信集团。它拥有全球最⼤的移动通信⽹络之⼀,拥有183,900名员 ⼯,为超过45个国家/地区的5亿客户提供服务。在全球拥有2800家零售店和另外12300个品 牌特许经营权,这确实是⼀个全球业务。 AGP产品包括⾯向企业和消费者的消息传递服 务,智能⼿机,⼿机和平板电脑。其当前的策略旨在通过提供越来越多的增值移动服务来提 ⾼“每位⽤户的平均收⼊”。⾃2005年以来,它⼀直是⼀家上市公司,是FTSE 100指数的组成 部分。它在2017年⾄2018年的收⼊为62亿英镑,⽐上年增⻓5%。但是,第⼆年的增⻓仅为 上⼀年的2%。它在本财政年度的年利润为4.4亿英镑。 AGP在国内外竞争激烈的市场中运作。它被誉为⾼街的成功故事之⼀。但是,BREXIT的不 确定性以及全球⼤流⾏之后的利润有所下降,由于其他竞争者⼀直在提供折扣产品和服务来 吸引预算有限的客户,因此其利润进⼀步下降。 罗伯特·霍普(Robert Hope)于2018年接任AGP集团⾸席执⾏官。他的职责不仅是管理商品 和服务的采购和供应链的复杂性,⽽且从根本上将⼏个分散的服务转变为⼀个全球职能。 “精益”采购技术提⾼了效率,并⼤⼤节省了⼿机,⽹络设备,市场营销和IT服务等产品。包 括收购北京中国采购中⼼在内的海外扩张取得了巨⼤成功。但是,这些策略的优势已荡然⽆ 存,⽽竞争对⼿的反弹,缺乏技术创新,该⾏业其他公司的迅速扩张以及不确定性都需要更 多变⾰。 Hope在采购管理⽅⾯拥有26年的经验,曾在许多国家的供应链,计划和运营管理中担任过 职务。他充分利⽤了多样性,并且知道沟通,信息共享和授权对成功进⾏组织变⾰⾄关重 要。在《 2018-19年度报告》发布后,希望集团试图证明⽆聊的财务表现是合理的,并将其 归咎于国家和全球经济环境。在来年,他宣布了⼀项雄⼼勃勃的变⾰“⼀揽⼦计划”,其中包 括扩⼤其业务基础和战略计划,以使其进⼊下⼀阶段的公司发展。他的⼝头禅是在充满挑战 的经济和政治环境中提⾼效率,同时继续投资以实现未来的增⻓。 关于这⼀新的变⾰阶段,存在很⼤的不确定性和模棱两可。这导致有关裁员和裁员的谣⾔越 来越多。员⼯不确定如何以及如何实施这些更改以及他们的⼯作是否安全。⼈们感到焦虑, 这导致情绪⾼涨。⼀群⼈变得沮丧,并开始寻找替代性⼯作。有些⼈病了,其他⼈抱怨压⼒ ⼤。⽬标正在下滑,竞争对⼿正在追赶。 霍普知道他需要迅速采取⾏动,以确保动⼒,防⽌创新观念枯竭并带来变⾰。 尽管案例研究中包含的信息是基于现实⽣活中的组织和⼈员,但这些详细信息仅出于评估⽬ 的,并不⼀定反映有关组织或个⼈的事实。 Formative Deadline:11th November 2020 Summative Deadline: 3rd December 2020 Please submit a plan for the CW1 with the following elements (Max 2 sides of A4 or 500 words) • Analysis of key understanding of Leadership applied to the case study • Analysis of theory used with at least 5 academic sources • Identification and key points regarding the empirical example with 3 academic sources • Synopsis of the arguments you are making regarding leadership linked to the case study 案例研究中对领导⼒的关键理解分析 分析⾄少5种学术来源使⽤的理论 关于经验示例的识别和要点(3个学术来源) 与案例研究相关的关于领导⼒的论点提要 HRL 306: Formative Feedback Deadline: 11th November Fail Pass Good Excelle nt Key understanding of Leadership applied to the Case study Key theory used with at least 5 academic sources Empirical example with 3 academic sources Synopsis of the argument you are making General comments Poor – needs rigorous wider and deeper understanding, too descriptive, expect to fail Fair – needs improvements in all elements Good – specific improvements in some elements • Assessment 2: Course Work 2 (60%) Word limit: 2,500 words (excluding references) Coursework 2 will comprise an essay (one from a choice of four) to be submitted on or before 19th January, 2021 by 12 noon. The essay mark constitutes 60% of the total marks for this module. The word limit is a maximum of 2500 words using 1.5 line spacing with 12 Font size Arial. You are required to write an academic essay with a suitable introduction, clear review of current literature, clarity of argument based on theory and empirical substantiation, and a fitting conclusion. Your essay should be fully supported by relevant academic sources as well as examples supported by academic and relevant sources. The essay will need to be referenced appropriately using the Harvard system. Please review the assessment criteria to understand the allocation of marks and to suitably arrange and present the content of the essay. Marks will be awarded out of 100% 作业2将包括⼀篇论⽂(四篇中的⼀篇),该论⽂将在2021年1⽉19⽇或中午12点之前提 交。 论⽂分数占该模块总分数的60%。 字数限制为最多2500个字,使⽤1.5⾏距和12个字体 ⼤⼩的Arial。 您需要撰写⼀篇学术论⽂,并提供适当的介绍,对当前⽂献的清晰回顾,基于理论和经验依 据的论点的清晰性以及适当的结论。 您的论⽂应得到相关学术资源的充分⽀持,以及相关 学术和相关资源实例的⽀持。 需要使⽤哈佛系统适当地引⽤本⽂。 请查看评估标准,以了 解分数的分配,并适当安排和介绍论⽂的内容。 满分100% Essay Questions (Choose one from the following 4 questions) 1.Leadership or management, which do you consider as significant for handling the global Covid 19 Pandemic, justifying your argument. Critically analyse the leadership-management debate in leadership studies using leadership theories and empirical evidence. 2.Complex changes and crisis around the world are on the rise and require new leadership processes and alternate ways of leading. What would effective leadership look like within this changed scenario? Use theory/ies of leadership and examples to justify your argument. 3.Leadership at the top/apex of organisations is about charisma and transformation. Critically explore this statement in the light of charismatic and transformational leadership and the consequences on organistions using relevant leadership theories and case studies/examples. 4.Critically analyse any specific theory of leadership, justifying the choice, clarifying its relevance and exploring its strengths and weakness. Are they relevant to leading people in crisis? Use relevant leadership theories and case studies/examples. 1.您认为领导⼒或管理对于应对全球Covid 19⼤流⾏⾄关重要,证明您的论点是正确的。 使 ⽤领导⼒理论和经验证据,对领导⼒研究中的领导⼒-管理辩论进⾏批判性分析。 2.世界各地的复杂变化和危机正在上升,需要新的领导程序和替代的领导⽅式。 在这种变化 的情况下,有效的领导会是什么样⼦? ⽤领导理论和例⼦来论证你的观点。 3.组织最⾼层/最⾼层的领导⼒与魅⼒和变⾰有关。使⽤相关的领导理论和案例研究/示例, 根据超凡魅⼒和变⾰型领导以及对组织的后果进⾏批判性的探索。 4.批判性地分析领导⼒的任何特定理论,证明选择的合理性,阐明其相关性,并探索其优势 和劣势。它们与领导危机的⼈有关吗?使⽤相关的领导理论和案例研究/示例。 Formative Deadline: 9th December 2021 Summative Deadline: 19th January, 2021 FORMATIVE feedback : DEADLINE 9th December through DLE Please submit a plan for the CW2 with the following elements (Max 2 sides of A4 or 500 words) • Analysis of key understanding of Leadership applied to the question • Analysis of theory used with 5 academic sources • Identification and key points regarding the comparative example with 3 academic sources • Synopsis of the arguments you are making regarding leadership linked to question •分析对领导⼒问题的关键理解 •分析5种学术来源使⽤的理论 •关于⽐较例的识别和要点,有3个学术⽂献 •关于领导⼒与问题相关的论点概要 H R L 3 0 0 - C W 2 : Formative feedback Deadline: 9th December Fail Pass Good Excellent Key understanding of Leadership applied to the CW Key theory used with 5 academic sources Empirical example with 3 academic sources S y n o p s i s o f t h e a r g u m e n t y o u a r e making General comments Poor – needs rigorous w i d e r a n d d e e p e r u n d e r s t a n d i n g , t o o descriptive, expect to fail F a i r – n e e d s improvements in all elements G o o d – s p e c i f i c improvements in some elements

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Organizational Leadership
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Organizational Leadership
Organization refers to a group of people who intend to work together to accomplish a set or common goal. Organizations mostly exist in the form of entities that comprise multiple and large populations of people, such as associations or institutions, that have the collective goal linked to the external environment. There are various legal organizations, including international organizations, governmental and non-governmental organizations, cooperation and cooperatives, charities, armed forces, for-profit and not-for-profit organizations, partnerships, and educational institutions. Organizational leadership chiefly focuses on improving the management approach to effectively and simultaneously work towards the individuals and their best interests. Organizational leadership is thus about management and is transformative by shifting workers' priorities and creating distinctive followers by articulating a vision (Bratton, 2020). Therefore, every organization is considered complementary to assist each other in creating smooth functioning, guided by different models, theories, and styles.
Organizational Leadership Models
Reflective Human Action Leadership Development Model
Reflective human action is an active mind-engaging process of making meaning through communication in specified community practices. The reflective Human Action Leadership Development (RHALD) model chiefly bases its foundation as a communications tool framework. The model is hypothesized to enable individuals to have the ability to assume the responsibilities of leadership as professionals. The model comprises four core features: features of action, concepts of authenticity, ethical sensibility, and spirituality (Mitstifer, 2015).
There are seven critical features found in every human action: mission, meaning, existence, resources, structure, power, and fulfillment. Mission provides an answer to the question, "what is the ultimate purpose of an action?" Meaning answers the questions, "what is at stake?" and "why one is doing a particular action?' Existence is considered the setting within which different human action arises and examines the history of that given action. Resources are the variety of components required to accomplish the action and serve as the critical assets necessary for attaining the mission. The structure regards as the specific processes and plans through which the actions are accomplished. Power refers to the will, passion, and decision to provide the energy vital for accomplishing the action. Fulfillment is the completed action (Mitstifer, 2015).
The concept of authenticity is the trueness of an individual's character, spirit, and personality. The concept helps in avoiding hidden agendas and self-deception. The significant contribution of this concept is its positive impact on the action. This is possible by requiring that to be authentic is to question, reflect, engage, be trustworthy and genuine, act, and correct how decisions are made to determine what is going on and expand on any potential possibilities (Mitstifer, 2015).
Ethical sensibility is an imperative requirement for organizational leaders...
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