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1 page/β‰ˆ275 words
6 Sources
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Issue Of Ducumentation Coursework Writing Assignment

Coursework Instructions:

Assignment #1 - Documenting in APA Style
Each student will focus on the issue of documentation and will select all of the following sources: (a) a book; (b) a magazine article; (c) a scholarly peer review article; (d) a newspaper article;(e) an e-mail; and (f) a verse from the Bible; and, then write a citation and reference citation for the sources selected.
The student shall prepare the assignment as a word-product (WP) using MS Word®.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Issues in Documentation
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Issues in Documentation
1 Book
* Name of the author(s) (last name, initials).
* Publication year.
* Title of the book (should be in italics and only the first word of the title, subtitle and proper nouns should be capitalized).
* Edition (except first editions).
* Place of publication.
* Publisher.
One Author
In-text Citation
According to Tollefson (2002)….OR
Language policies... (Tollefson, 2002)
Reference List
Tollefson, J. W. (2002). Language policies in education: Critical issues. Psychology Press.
Two Authors
In-text Citation
Both names are listed in every in-text citation. They are separated by “and”, but in-case their names are in parentheses “&” is used.
Menken and Garcia (2010) suggests that…..OR
It has been demonstrated that... (Menken &Garcia, 2010).
Reference List
Menken, K., & García, O. (Eds.). (2010). Negotiating language education policies: Educators as policymakers. Routledge.
Three to Five Authors
In-text Citations
All the first names of the authors must be cited. In subsequent citations only the name of the first author should be cited followed by et al. and year of publication.
Cloud, Genesee and Hamayan (2000), discuss that…..ORIt is evident that….. (Cloud, Genesee & Hamayan, 2000)
Subsequent Citations
As Cloud et al. (2000) discusses OR
It is evident that… (Cloud et la., 2000)
Reference List
Cloud, N., Genesee, F., & Hamayan, E. (2000). Dual language instruction: A handbook for enriched education (pp. 113-138). Boston: Heinle & Heinle.
2 Magazine, Peer Reviewed or Journal Articles
The citations takes the following format
Author’(s) last name, Initials of the first and last names in subsequent manner. (year,month,date). Title of article. Title of magazine/journal, issue. Pages.
Only the first words of the title of the articles are capitalized.
In-text citations are the same as those of a book.
Examples of reference lists
Alberino, F., Gatta, A., Amodio, P., Merkel, C., Di Pascoli, L., Boffo, G., & Caregaro, L. (2001). Nutrition and survival in patients with liver cirrhosis.Nutrition, 17(6), 445-450.
Taylor, P. S. (2017, March 20). A gender gap that’s a matter of life and death. Maclean’s. Retrieved from /society/health/a-gender-gap-thats-a-matter-of-life-and-death/
3 Bible
Bible verses are only cited in the in-text citations only, no reference list is required.
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