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Is Lack of Nursing Education the Key Cause of Poor Patient Care Outcome?

Coursework Instructions:

Synthesize the information from this week’s initial posts and peer replies to formulate a strategic process for recruiting and selecting a sample population from your proposed project setting.  Use this information to begin developing the Scope and Limitations section in Part 1 of your Capstone manuscript. Your paper should include the criteria listed in the following rubric

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Discussion 3: Is lack of nursing education the key cause of poor patient care outcome?
Ngozi Duru
3 - 1: Target population
The target population is nursing staff with various levels of education from diverse institutions. Since the aim of the project is to determine whether there is a link between the nursing education level and patient outcome, comparing the results is necessary to identify any emerging trends how education and expertise are relevant to improving the quality of care. The sampling strategy will rely on random sampling to collect the data over time using a non-experimental and explanatory study design. The data collected will focus on one hospital at the Teaching Hospital Umuna Orlu, Imo-state Nigeria and this is more feasible.
All the nurses will be recruited from the nursing staff they will be fully informed about the study. After giving their consent to participate in the study, the study participants will be interviewed. Their responses will be recorded anonymously, while it is expected that the hospital administrators will provide information about the nursing composition, experience, level of education and composition. The exclusion and inclusion criteria for the study will be based on the experience level for specific hospital units. Any practicing nurse who has been in practice for less than a year will be excluded from the study.
The nurses will also be separated depending where the work from acute care setting units, surgical units and the general wards. The quality of patient care affects patient safety, and this includes nursing education, nursing staffing and the practice environment (Chau et al., 2015). Previous studies focus more on individual characteristics while ignoring the role of contextual factors in the hospital settings this includes nursing education, expertise and the nursing practice environment. Both individual and contextual factors influence the work environment, and when the co-workers are experts this improves the quality of care.
Chau, J. P., Lo, S. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, E. L., McHugh, M. D., Tong, D. W., ... & Lee, D. T. (2015). A longitudinal examination of the association between nurse staffing levels, the practice environment and nurse-sensitive patient outcomes in hospitals. BMC health services research, 15(1), 1.
2] Discussion Setting and contextual factors
The contextual factors are associated with the organization rather than the individual factors. The organization context also affects the individual outcomes in the workplace, since the expertise, nursing education, composition of the nursing staff and the workplace environment are all related to the organization context (McHugh & Lake, 2010). The contextual approach is relevant to understanding how the organizational culture affects the nursing practice. Both the education level of years of experience are individual factors that affect the nurse' expertise. At the same time, the nursing practice experience establishes the culture that supports certain values and facilitates the development of nursing expertise (McHugh & Lake, 2010).
Before undertaking the study there is a need to inform the administrators and nurse leader, how the re...
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