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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Interview Questions and Answers for Deputy Nurse Manager Application

Coursework Instructions:

Assignment on Interviewing
Please read these directions thoroughly very important.
Review the PowerPoint and word document on interviewing on attached.
Look online at any local facility’s website and pick a job you might want to apply for. ( I have already attached the job description) so you do not need to do this.
Imagine you have been selected for an interview for this position.
The assignment is to complete this imaginary interview in writing and submit this via moodle.
The objective is to help you gain experience in preparing for typical interview questions in a word document.
I have also attached the interview questions.
Position you are applying for:
Interview is with Ms. Smart the Nurse Manager.
Background Questions:
1. Tell me about yourself, why are you interested in our position?
2. Have you had a chance to learn about our facility? How did you research us? What did you find out?
The next questions are Behavioral Interviewing questions; you must provide a specific situation involving a real life event.
3. Can you tell me about a situation where you made an error that affected a patient and what you did about it?
4. Can you tell me about a specific time when you made a difference for a patient? What did you do?
5. Tell me about a situation where you saw something being done that was not right, how did you handle it?
Clinical Competence Questions:
6. What do you feel are your best strengths and why?
7. What are your weaknesses and why?
8. What is your plan for building on your nursing knowledge?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Student's Name
Institution affiliation
Course Name
Instructor's Name
Facility: Healthworks for Northern Virginia
The position you are applying for: Deputy Nurse Manager
The interview is with Ms. Smart, the Nurse Manager.
1. Tell me about yourself; why are you interested in our position?
I am a professional nurse with an outstanding performance in various nursing duties. I am currently working as a volunteer practitioner at a local community health organization. I have four years of experience working as a nurse, where I have encountered a significant health improvement in my experience from my career endeavor. I am a first-aid expert and greatly looking forward to carrying on the immense skills acquired to attain the company's core purpose on health matters. My great motivation to work with you is to ensure we eradicate and create a virus-free world towards attaining peak global health and general healthy living.
2. Have you had a chance to learn about our facility? How did you research us? What did you find out?
Yes, I have interacted mainly with the mode of facilitation undertaken, and it has been my greatest motivation in service delivery, professionalism, and expertise. I encountered your facilitation through a live advert on the critical operations and services being administered, which drew my attention as a partner, considering the value and the commitment set apart for human lives improvement. I contacted several patients to affirm the services claimed to be offered. It was a great motivation to attest to the commitment fostered by witnessing patients who had already received their treatment and set on discharge.
3. Can you tell me about a situation where you made an error that affected a patient and what you did about it?
There was an instance where I administered the wrong dosage procedure, and the patient happened to have t...
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