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Emergent Case Study 5 Education Coursework Research

Coursework Instructions:

Case Study #5 provides a scenario and some specific details about a child/family. You are the active educator. You will be given a set of questions to respond to and will provide a minimum of 3 paragraphs that supplies the answers to the questions.
Step #1: Read the Case Study #5 which is below:
Case Study #5:
Of the nearly 13,000 Syrian refugees accepted in the United States thus far, it is estimated that close to 78% are children. Approximately 1500 refugees have resettled throughout the state of California in 2016. This means a child who is a Syrian refugee could very likely be in one of your early childhood programs. Based on this, the following scenario has been created to help you navigate some challenges that may arise.
Omar, is a four-year old boy who arrived in your program in late October. He is a Syrian refugee that has been accepted into the United States along with his 15-year-old sister, Raghad, 7-year-old brother, Abed and their Uncle, Mohammad. They fled their county amid severe shelling attacks and had to leave their parents, relatives, friends and possessions behind to escape narrowly with their lives.
They have been accepted into a small community of Iraqi immigrants who are now US citizens and have opened their doors of their small 3-bedroom apartment they share with 2 other families. There are 4 adults and 6 children in the apartment. Omar does not speak English but the older Sister, Raghad has one year of English language courses in her country and can speak well enough to communicate with the school. The Uncle, Mohammad is now working long hours and is the only guardian for Omar.
Omar, is a brown-haired boy with large blue eyes and rounded face. When he is dropped off at school by his Uncle, he is suffering from what appears to be separation anxiety. After about an hour, he calms down in the classroom. He usually retreats to the block area where he has found and airplane and building blocks. He repeatedly builds the blocks up and knocks them down in an aggressive manner.
When he visits other areas of the classroom he has a destructive approach, for example when he paints he pounds the brushes on the paper, usually splashing the paint across the table, squeezes play-dough, pulls it apart and throws it in the air. He seems anxious and restless in the class moving from activity to activity. He also does not like loud noises. As a matter of fact, when the fire alarm goes off during a drill, he begins running and screaming in the classroom.
He does not speak but responds angrily to peers and takes toys out of their hands often. When a peer does the same, he just grunts angrily then throws himself on the ground or throws things in anger. He avoids most peers and usually sits off to the side during group. He wears the same clothing often and it appears dirty but he appears bathed. You notice he is walking with a limp and discover his shoes fit tight. He brings a rice and beef dish with fresh fruit daily and you noticed he eats only a few bites.
During outside time, you notice he does not explore like his peers do but instead he sits in the corner of the yard, near the storage shed and just digs in the dirt. When his sister arrives to pick him up from school he runs to her and begins to hit her repeatedly and usually leaves crying with her holding his hand.
Finally, you happen upon a conversation among a few parents about fears of terrorism. One of them asks you if the family will be staying for long in the program considering they are Syrian refugees. Another one comments on the daughters clothing (hijab) and says that they do not like how she hides behind her scarf.
Step #2 Now that you have read the Case Study #5 please answer the following two questions in a minimum of 3 paragraphs.
Question #1: How can you (as Omar’s teacher) help to ease his angry responses (i.e. taking toys from classmates; grunting; throwing things, etc.)?
Question #2: Describe a few strategies that Omar’s teacher (put yourself in his/her position) can utilize with him during outside time.
Note: Make sure to address the influences of well-being and the impact that emotional well-being has on a child’s development.
Coursework Assignment Guidelines:
* Must be between 400 to 500 words in total.
* Must include a detailed opening introduction paragraph, include main body paragraph(s), and include a conclusion paragraph.
* Must be a minimum of 3 paragraphs and remember your paragraphs need to be well organized in paragraph format of at least 4 to 6 sentences per paragraph.
* Must be Double-spaced, 12 point in Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins all around.
* Must be in APA Format.
* Must have a minimum of 1 APA source within your paragraphs and include a reference page.
Thank you so much for your time and stay safe during this COVID-19 outbreak.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Case Study #5
Student’s Name
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Case Study #5
Emotional well-being has a significant influence on children’s growth and development. Young children become frustrated when they encounter problems that they cannot overcome. For instance, some of the stressful life occurrences that might cause aggression among children are hyperactivity, attention deficit, emotional regulation issues, and autistic symptoms. Omar’s behaviors might be a result of experiencing violence at a young age and growing without love and tenderness from his parents.
Omar expresses aggression by throwing things, taking his classmates’ toys, and grunting. Omar’s teacher can do various things to help the 4-year-old boy overcome his emotional regulation problems. First, the individual should try to develop a trusting relationship with the child (Kourkoutas, Stavrou, & Plexousakis, 2018). The teacher can accompany Omar at the block area where Omar likes to stay while playing with building and airplane blocks. When the child accepts playing with the teacher using blocks, it will become easy to show him that one should not knock the blocks down aggressively for failing to create the object he wants.
Second, the teacher should teach students how to be kind and empathetic to others. Besides, Omar might be angry since other students fear to interact with him due to his aggression. As such, children should be taught how to be good to others. Third, the teacher should talk with Omar’s sister and uncle to understand whether the child behaves in the same way while at home. Moreover, the person should emphasize for Omar’s fair treatment at home as a strategy to enable the young person to be able to create and maintain proper relationships with friends and relatives....
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