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How Resistance Changed the Instances of Injustice on Gender and Race

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Gender, Race, and Resistance
Gender, Race, and Resistance
Gender refers to being male or female, while skin color defines race, which refers to a grouping of people basing on physical and social characteristics. On the other hand, resistance means to oppose. The three terms often go together in similar contexts in history. Since time immemorial, gender has been an issue of injustice globally, with females being the most affected. The injustices soon escalated to affect different races. The black race is the biggest casualty in racial inequities (Thomas, 2019). The groups affected by the injustices could not take it anymore, and they resisted it. Therefore, this essay discusses gender and racial inequities drawing specific examples from different countries in the world. It will then explore the resistance that resulted from gender and racial injustices.
The female gender faced many challenges during the pre-colonial and colonial periods, with the injustices continuing to the post-colonial era. Males provide protection and food to the children and women in their families. This factor led to gender injustices because men boasted as the final solutions to survival. It soon escalated to governmental levels. These injustices have been documented differently through film or articles. An example of a movie that proved gender injustice is the 1966 Black Girl film. According to Rosalie Evans in An Agrarian Encounter, a letter she wrote to her sister, the government wanted to take her property by force through Minister Villarreal. This one instance shows the injustices against gender. Other inequalities are evident in political positions, job distribution, housework, and childcare, among others.
The film Black Girl explores two important themes of gender and race at ago. Diouana is a young African girl who goes to work for a rich person in France. She faces many hardships as her boss overworks her while her mother back in Senegal, Africa is pressuring her to send money. This film shows the position of a woman in society and the injustices against the black race. The wealthy family took in a girl for household chores because cultures define it as a female responsibility. Secondly, the French family did not look for white house help, but a black one, and the girls are overworked. We can connect this to the slave trade in America. The black race has faced other mistreatments, and the movie highlights some of them through what Diouana goes through in France (Atkinson, 2016).
Culture contributed a lot to gender injustices; it still does to date. Cultures define the positions of different genders. For instance, the culture expects a man to protect and provide for his family while women take care of the children and do household chores. The expectation of such cultures led to the demining of women. Men felt that women are lesser beings because cultures gave them (women) lighter responsibilities. At workplaces, men translated the same duties to workplaces and political positions. Statistics show that many companies have employed many men than women. Similarly, there are many men than women in electoral positions. Social resistance and empowerment, however, has ensured that women have val...
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