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Discussion Paper: Zappos: A Unique Company Culture

Coursework Instructions:

First, watch
Igniting Creativity to Transform Corporate Culture. This TED Talk by Catherine Courage examines how creativity needs to be infused into the organizational culture to foster innovation and to challenge the status quo. Next, watch this video https://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=tFyW5s_7ZWc about Zappos and its own unique company culture. As you watch the videos, think about the various elements of effective organizational structure. In your initial post, answer the following questions:
Do you think the unique culture of Zappos will help or hurt the company in the long run? Explain and provide specific examples, where applicable.
Do you think more companies in the future will follow this model? Why or why not?
In your opinion, what company today could benefit from this unique strategy? Explain your rationale.
In responding to your peers, comment on the impact that organizational structure has on a company like Zappos. What dynamics are involved? Think about places where you have worked and how the culture impacted you.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Zappos: A Unique Company Culture
Do you think the unique culture of Zappos will help or hurt the company in the long run?
In the long-run, Zappos strategy will pay off because customer service is the key to improving sales. Currently, customers prefer shopping online, therefore, the idea of investing in training employees how to engage with customers online is a strategy that will pay off. Customer satisfaction can be achieved by building the right culture within an organization. It is key to increasing a company's market share, therefore this is a workable strategy for the company (Dick, 2010). The other idea of giving incentives and offering discounts on products are some of the customer service experiences the company have implemented, making 75 percent of its customer, repeat customers (, 2008). In essence, Zappos is at a better position to lure more customers thus increasing its market share.
Do you think more companies in the future will follow this model? Why or why not?
In my view, customer service is paramount, meaning that with the right strategies of pulling more customers, many companies are likely to imitate Zappos’ marketing and customer service strategies. Having a desirable company culture have proven to be a successful venture and a sure way to success because Zappos profit during its first four years can prove this point. Offering services like free shipping and a dedicated online customer help are some of the modern ways companies are using to retain customers ( HYPERLINK "/sites/danpontefract/" \t "_self"  Pontefract , 2015).
Poor customer service is the main issue affecting the profitability of many companies today. Customers want to feel valued; therefore, they will be willing to pay any amount depending on the type of service. This strategy also encourages diversification because it is applicable in all several sectors ( HYPERLINK "/si...
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