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History of Photo

Coursework Instructions:

Please read the attached story for discussion in class on wednesday. It is by the writer Italo Calvino and is called Adventures of a Photographer, written in 1958. Answer the following questions with a few sentences each. --What does Calvino mean when he says "The line between the reality that is photographed because it seems beautiful to us and the reality that seems beautiful because it has been photographed is very narrow." --What parallels can you draw between Antonino's initial feelings about photography and the state of photographs today? --Antonino talks about trying to capture the "essence" of a person through a photograph, do you believe this is possible?

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History of Photo
9th September 2015.
What does Calvino mean when he says "The line between the reality that is photographed because it seems beautiful to us and the reality that seems beautiful because it has been photographed is very narrow."
By saying this, Calvino is trying to bring out the point that in photography, every minute of one’s day to day routine, and in essence one’s entire life is supposed to be applied in its practice. This is because the interpretation of Calvino is that every moment is supposed to be represented in a photograph, and therefore those parts that are not represented here, are deemed lost forever at that instantaneous time. In so saying, Calvino is trying to express the vanity of photography in a philosophical way (Calvino, 1958).
What parallels can you draw between Antonino's initial feelings about photography and the state of photographs today?
Antonino’s initial feeling about photography is that the entire concept usually results to a loss of the glow related to the entire aspect of instantaneity. There is a general loss, according to him, of the distinct moments and the real-life scenarios and circumstances going on at the time the photograph are taken. This bears some parallels with what is currently happening in the field of photography, as people immediately start keeping these photographs as records of what they had done earlier, completely bereft of the kind of life and emotions they had then.
Additionally, Antonino perceives that people only take photographs during their best moments or experiences, and completely forget about all the phases of their lives. As a result, the photographs they take become a false, or a biased narration of their lives. This is a direct correlation to what is happening today, as people tend to take photographs only during their moments of happiness, and very few, or even none, during trying times. The latest trend of ‘selfies’ is a perfect example of this, as people only take them during moments of fun (Calvino, 1958).
Antonino talks about trying to capture the "essence" of a person through a photograph, do you believe this is possible?

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