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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Case Study
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Moderna: Operating Model and Important Priorities

Case Study Instructions:

1. What enabled Moderna to move so fast with their COVID-19 vaccine?
2. How would you describe Moderna’s operating model? How does it contrast with that of traditional pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms?
3. Should Moderna create a separate, stand-alone COVID-19 organization?
4. What are the most important priorities for Moderna going forward?

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Case: Moderna (A)
1 What enabled Moderna to move so fast with their COVID-19 vaccine?
Prior to covid-19 pandemic, Moderna had been focusing on leveraging technology to develop pharmaceutical solutions. One of the technologies that they had been leveraging was messenger RNA. Evidence reveals that the company had been using this technology for some years before covid 19 hit (Kis et al., 2019). The technology involves reading the genetic information of disease-causing agents and using it to derive the best vaccinations against the disease/ illness of concern. Compared to other methods of developing vaccines, messenger RNA is relatively first as it involves decoding genetic data (Moderna, n.d.). Therefore, with the onset of covid 19, Moderna was able to capitalize on this technology to develop a vaccine rapidly. Another factor that led to fast speed when it comes to Moderna’s covid-19 vaccines is appropriate funding and collaboration. After developing the vaccine, the company was able to attract funding from varied partners. Due to the urgency of the matter, many governmental and non-governmental institutions were ready to support Moderna in developing a vaccine as quickly as possible. At the time, the situation was dire, and it was appropriate to develop the vaccine to save lives. Therefore, financial and other support was readily available from several quarters. One of the organizations that greatly supported Moderan was the National Institutes of Health in the United States.
In addition, Moderna was able to carry out vaccine trials in a relatively short amount of time. One of the reasons why vaccines take a long to develop is that they require a relatively lengthy amount of time to carry out trials. In the case of the Covid-19 vaccine, Moderna collaborated with the National Institute of Health and other partners to ensure that the trials were done speedily (Moderna, n.d.). The unique circumstances of the time required that the company move with speed. Further, Moderna leverages modern technology, such as the use of robotic systems, to facilitate large production of the vaccine (Moderna, n.d.). These systems have the potential to work 24 hours and with a high level of precision.
2 How would you describe Moderna’s operating model? How does it contrast with that of traditional pharmaceutical and biotechnology firms?
The operating model of Moderna is significantly different from the traditional model. The traditional model involves lengthy processes and uses little technological infrastructure. The Moderna model greatly differs from this traditional model. Moderna is focuses on using state-of-the-art technology to ensure that vaccines are developed in a manner that is faster and more effective. As discussed above, Moderna uses robotic systems to ensure large-scale production and high levels of precision. Speed is another aspect of the Moderna operating model. Traditionally, the process of developing medications has been lengthy. In some cases, it could even take more than 5 to 10 years before a drug is approved (Pardi et al., 2020). Moderna seemed to have navigated around this problem and established a solution. Through forming important collaborations and leveraging technology, the operating model of...
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