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2 pages/≈550 words
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IT & Computer Science
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 12.15

How to Identify Business Opportunities with AI

Case Study Instructions:

Please use the following link to watch a video " How to identify business opportunities with AI ".
How to identify business opportunities with AI
In maximum two pages (Including references, Single sapaced) summarize the video and write your personal ideas and analysis about that. Please note that only summarizing the key concepts is not enough. I want to see your ideas, suggestions and analysis in addition to summary.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
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Course Number and Name
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Assignment Due Date
How to Identify Business Opportunities with AI
Artificial intelligence is a constantly developing sector that presents several business opportunities. The use of AI is gradually replacing manpower required in industries. Machines used are most effective than human labor. Also, AI is dependable, provided there is a continual power supply to facilitate the use of technology. Several business opportunities can be identified and implemented in the developing technology sector. Analyzing the probability of AI solving a problem and the speed of enacting a concern can mainly identify prospects. The choice of AI as an alternative should consider the chances of answering a deficit question in the market. Its swiftness in solving the issue arising separates AI from the human muscle. The two main lessons derived from the video are that AI is subdivided into two main components, namely machine learning and deep learning. Machine learning can be defined as a unique procedure for developing software, while deep learning is a type of appliance education.
The Main Lessons Learned
The video has improved the understanding of computer intelligence to mean anything that is powered by technology. Every technological gadget, such as the mobile phone, can be translated into an AI used to solve a business problem. The application of AI in the business environment generates high returns as an efficiency touché is supplemented. Human power is not completely eradicated because these machines require supervision to function properly. According to the course material, AI systems can be categorized into structu...
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