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Malaria and DDT Debate (Health, Medicine, Nursing Case Study)

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To Spray or Not to Spray: A Debate Over Malaria and DDT
Frank J. Dinan and Joseph F. Bieron Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry Canisius College
(I need the 5 questions thoughtfully answered)

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Malaria and DDT Debate
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Malaria and DDT Debate
1 The ambassador is referring to the increasing concerns of mosquito-borne disease in the developed countries such as the United States. Traditionally, the discussion of mosquito as a primary disease vector revolved around developing nations especially those in the tropical regions. This conversation is quickly shifting as some developed country’s increasingly become affected by mosquito-borne diseases. West Nile virus (WNV) is a major mosquito-borne disease causing the change referred to by the ambassador. A study by Brown et al. (2008) asserts that WNV has significantly affected the northeastern United States since 1999. An analysis conducted by Brown et al. (2008) between 1999 and 2006 revealed 977 cases of the virus among residents in eight northeastern states. The CDC has identified this as a health concern considering the medication or preventive vaccination for WNV does not exist. With these dynamics, mosquito-borne diseases are increasingly becoming a concern even for the developed nations.
2 As Dr. Lund explains it, the precautionary principle requires scientists to refrain from risks characterized by unpredictable consequences. One of the strengths of this principle is that it helps prevent unanticipated health and environmental issues. For example, the principle would have been instrumental in preventing the effects of chlorofluorocarbons on the ozone layer. Another strength of the principle is that it allows time for obtaining definitive scientific evidence before engaging in a health or environmental risk. The main weakness of the precautionary principle is that it only focuses on the potential risks. Focusing on risks only may end up inhibiting the use of a technology that has the potential of preventing deaths. The precautionary principle has an implication of complicating scientific-based decisions.
3 The strength of a risk/benefit analysis is that it introduces an objective perspective in making a decision. Using the risk/benefit analysis method, the parties involved can evaluate both sides of the argument and decide which side has a compelling argument and evidence. Such objectivity is important in deciding whether the technology should be utilized. The weakness of this method is that the involved parties may adopt a subjective approach. Such a scenario would make it hard to decide whether the technology should be used. In a subjective view, a person (Dr. Canavan) focusing on risks would argue against using DDT while those focusing on benefits (Dr. Lund and ambassador) would automatically su...
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