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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
3 Sources
Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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A Patient With Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated By A Medical Illness

Case Study Instructions:

The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP), was implemented as a commitment to improving the safety of surgical patients by reducing post-operative complications. Although some surgical complications are unavoidable, surgical care can be improved through better adherence to evidence based practice. Case Study: A 60-year old patient with a long standing history of right knee pain has been diagnosed with osteoarthritis, and has been recommended a total left knee arthroscopy to improve chronic discomfort and improve mobility. The patient’s past medical history includes hypertension and an irregular heart rate. The patient denies any allergies. The patient reports to the hospital at 1 p.m. for a left knee replacement. A medication reconciliation is completed, and the patient reports taking the following medications with a sip of water at 8:00 p.m.: • Lisinopril 10 mg PO daily • Toprol 25 mg PO daily • Celebrex 200 mg PO daily While in the pre-operative holding area, vital signs are taken and are within normal limits. No hair removal was performed. The patient was ordered and received Ancef 1 gram IV mini bag, at 2:30 p.m. The patient was transferred to the operating room, where anesthesia monitoring began at 3:00 p.m., a urinary catheter was placed, and a forced air warming device was placed to maintain the patient’s temperature. After recovering in the post anesthesia care unit (PACU), the patient was transferred to a surgical floor. Post-operative orders included: • Ancef 1 gram IV mini bag every 8 hours • Long leg TED hose and sequential compression stockings to right leg while in bed • Lovenox 30 mg subcutaneously every morning, starting the following morning • Urinary catheter to be discontinued at 3:00 p.m. on post-operative day 1 The patient progressed well, both with pain control and mobility. TED hose and sequential compression stockings were worn while in bed. On the first post-operative day, the first dose of Lovenox was administered at 1000 a.m. and the last dose of Ancef was received at 2:30 p.m. The patient was able to void after removal of the urinary catheter. The patient progressed well and was discharged home on post- operative day 5. Evidence shows that more than 45 million operative procedures are performed in the United States each year. Approximately 40% of operative procedures result in a surgical complication. The Surgical Care Improvement Project (SCIP) was implemented to improve quality of care of surgical patients, by reducing surgical complications. Nurses play an important role in this process by following and adhering to evidence based and best practice protocols. Using evidence based practice from two professional nursing journals, and/or your nursing textbooks, answer the following questions: 1. Explain one of the SCIP core measures, and how it has impacted the prevention of surgical complications. 2. Explain why no hair removal was required for the surgical procedure. If hair removal were ordered, explain the appropriate technique. 3. What methods were used to ensure that the recommended VTE/DVT prophylaxis was implemented, and why is the timing important? Explain your rationale with evidence. Using APA format, write a two (2) to three (3) page paper (excluding the cover and reference page) that addresses the case study. A minimum of two (2) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional nursing publications dated within five (5) years, and/or a textbook(s) used for the course that is no more than one (1) edition old. Websites are not to be used as professional resources or references. Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Use a 12 font size, double space your work and use APA format for citations, references, and overall format. Information on how to use the Excelsior College Library to help you research and write your paper is available through the Library Help for AD Nursing Courses page. Assistance with APA format, grammar, and avoiding plagiarism is available for free through the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL). Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you submit your assignment.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case study: A Patient with Musculoskeletal Limitations Complicated by a Medical Illness
Surgical care improvement
Adhering to surgical care improvement measures is critical to reducing surgical site infections. Patients suffering from surgical site infections stay longer in hospitals increasing health care costs, while it is possible to reduce the infections and mortality rates. Patient safety and quality of care are crucial to improving health care outcomes for surgical patients, as they focus on the surgical care improvement guidelines. The three surgical care improvements focus on the administration of prophylactic antibiotics highlighting the importance of timing before and after surgery and the selection of the antibiotic. Hence, medical practitioners need to understand that the timing and administration of the prophylactic antibiotics, based on the core measures of the surgical care improvement guidelines.
SCIP core measures and prevention of surgical complications
The antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent the surgical site infections focuses on the timing, selection as well as duration that the prophylactic antibiotic being infused within one hour before there is a surgical incision. In case the patient is receiving either vancomycin or fluoroquinolones the time element is two hours before the incision (Salkind & Rao, 2011). There was no negative reaction to Ancef, which is antibiotic prophylaxis. The antibiotic prophylaxis is necessary as it is related with adequate effective serum as well as tissue levels related to the drug during the duration of surgery, since there is optimum coverage related for a patient against pathogens (Salkind & Rao, 2011). According to Salkind & Rao (2011), patients receiving prophylactic antibiotics many hours before the surgery have a higher risk of surgical site infection.
Hair removal and surgical procedures
There was no need for hair removal since there is a risk of infection through pathogens entering the skin when there are cuts or nicks. The most appropriate hair removal technique, in this case, is the use of clippers. The h...
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