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Communications & Media
Case Study
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Case Study Discussion Communications & Media Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Please read the document I gave you (implement and CPPR001require)
two case study:https://www(dot)lib(dot)uts(dot)edu(dot)au/gta/14240/30-days-fashion-beauty
need you to find three more academic readings
Is there any problem to contact at any time! Thanks~


Assessment 1

Diploma of Communication
Principles of Public Relations CPPR001

Case study discussion (WEIGHT 35%)

Task description

Each student writes a 1,500-word essay in response to a question related to public relations theory and practice. You will demonstrate explicit connections between theory and practice, illustrated with case studies from the Golden Target Awards or other examples of industry practice, and supported by academic literature.

Learning outcomes

a)   assess theories and concepts in public relations

b)   critique public relations professional practice


The public relations industry is built upon informing, influencing and persuading the publics of a wide variety of organisations including private corporations, government agencies, not-for-profits and community groups. Grunig & Hunt’s four models of Public Relations practice provide a framework for examining the different approaches to PR that can be employed to produce different outcomes for different types of clients. Debate in the literature about ethical public relations often centres around the Excellence Theory’s focus on 2-way symmetrical communication (Grunig 1992). Two-way communication emphasises the importance of engaging publics in decisions made by organisations. Social media present new challenges for public relations practitioners to build on the framework arising from the Excellence Study’s (Grunig 1992) focus on symmetrical communication. The evolution of the field to incorporate online and social media requires practitioners to be skilled in managing the 2-way exchange.


  • Week 5 Class 2 – Individual essay (1,500 words) submitted to Turnitin via link on Canvas.


Note: The information in this subject outline was correct at the time of printing. However, you should check eStudent regularly for any updates to the information contained in this subject outline.

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Assessment criteria

  • Extent to which question is answered, depth of critical analysis (30%).

  • Selection of appropriate case studies, expression of their relevance to the questions (30%).

  • Connection between PR practice and theoretical ideas, and Grunig & Hunt's model (30%).

  • Quality of written expression: vocabulary, colloquialisms, spelling, grammar (5%).

  • Referencing, and appropriate word count (5%).


ESSAY preparation and research guide

  • Make sure you understand the brief. If in doubt, ask you tutor for clarification.

  • Research two case studies and relevant theoretical material for your answers. Case studies may be found on the UTS Library Golden Target Awards database . More recent GTA case studies are available at

  • Write a brief introduction which states a clear hypothesis. What are you going to prove?

  • Briefly summarise the key aspects of your chosen case study, then explore in more detail identifying its relevance (focus on the communication techniques used in the case study).

  • Apply Grunig’s models of PR practice to your case study and wider argument. Which model or models do the communication techniques in your case study best fit? Why?

  • Write a brief conclusion.

  • Use in-text references to support your arguments with academic and industry sources.

  • Include a list of references. A minimum of 2 case studies and 5 academic references required.


Workshops in Weeks 2 and 3 provide an introduction to the Assessment 1 Brief and time in class to begin research for your essay under the supervision of your tutor.

essay question

How can Grunig’s models usefully guide contemporary public relations practice, including use of the principles of 2-way communication to inform organisations and publics? (Grunig 1992) What about the notion of organisational listening (Macnamara, 2013; 2014) that questions ability and willingness of organisations to embed stakeholder views with organisational practices? Organisational listening questions the extent organisations use information/feedback gathered from their stakeholders, in this case, social media. Use the Golden Target Awards collection to support and extend your views. 

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Case Study
Institutional Affiliation
Grunig’s models are a fundamental part of public relations because it contains the pillars of public relations and how people relate to each other and their perception to information. Looking at the rate at which information is available to people on every imaginable topic, it is important to embrace and apply these principles when it comes to public relations. Bearing this information in mind, this paper is looking at how effective and useful Grunig’s principles are when it comes to public relations. Similarly, organizational listening is an integral part of public relations and I will try and prove how important it is to public relations in general. Finally, I will try to prove how the organizational listening skills can raise questions that can be instrumental in improving policies and other information. Spaces that provide a platform to make the public relations practice better and more effective.
Take a look the (""Austral is Reborn" - Relaunch of Austral Restaurant | UTS Library - University of Technology Sydney", 2020) case study. The goal of the campaign was to reach out to its clients new existing and potential to address the issues affecting the company as well as to introduce a new product and strategy. It also aims to reach other stakeholders in the company such as the managers and financial partners. The campaign incorporates Grundig’s two-way symmetrical model is a model that involves ways of reaching out to a particular target audience. It provides a more scientifically based approach to communication as compared to the public information model that provides accurate information yet it fails to provide room for feedback (Grunig & Didbrow, 1977). The two-way symmetrical model is structured to reach out to people or a target audience in a “scientifically persuasive” way. Therefore, in order for people to utilize it, there must be extensive research and background checks done on the topic. The research can take months to complete just so that the information provided can be as accurate as possible rather than being a here-say kind of thing. Or basing the information provided off another person’s work.
Persuasion is still a major component of this method of public relations even today. This is because persuasion works best for the company by propelling it forward in terms of sales, views and subscriptions. Because of this fact, the two-way symmetrical idea is more like a one-way street or it is heavily imbalanced. This is because it is a widely known and accepted fact that companies only have one true interest at heart and it is not the consumers but their own profits and they will go to any lengths to achieve their desired effect. The persuasion bit is usually found in the marketing bits, promotions and the areas that will generate and raise income for the company.
The two-way symmetrical model mostly focuses on putting the public relations officer as being the link to the organization and the key target audience as opposed to being a persuasive link. Such a scenario ensures that every public relations practitioner is actively involved in the negotiation process and also provide good and accurate communication to the t...
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