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4 pages/≈1100 words
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Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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The Electrical Contracting Industry

Case Study Instructions:
Using the J& J Electrical case study (in the attachment files), complete an external analysis that MUST include both a general environmental and industry assessment using Michael Porter's Model Five-Force Competitive Model. You should 1) describe the electrical contracting industry as best you can, 2) address the general environmental areas (e.g. technology, legal, economic etc.), and 3) use Porter's Model to assess the relative strength of each competitive force, and conclude if the industry will contribute above average, average or below average profits. You should refer to the SOR, your notes from our in-class discussion and your text to guide your analysis. (Length: 3-5 pages excluding appendices and works cited if applicable.) find the attachment please.
Case Study Sample Content Preview:

The Electrical Contracting Industry

To run and operate an electrical contracting company, it is necessary to have skills, knowledge and the passion for the job. This would ensure that the company’s service to the customers is satisfying and enhance development and growth of the company. An electronic contractor would refer to as an individual or a firm that performs specialized constructions in relation to design, putting in place and the continuance of the electrical systems. The construction work would involve either high or low voltage. The contractors of the high voltage transmission and low voltage lighting ensure that the systems are efficient, safe and that they are environmentally sound.

Electrical contractors generally have three categories depending with the type of construction they do. The first category is the outside electrical contractors. This category also refers to as the line contractors. They specialize in transmission and distribution of the high voltage power lines. It is the responsibility of the line contractors to see to it that electricity from the power plant transmits through a series of high-voltage lines as well as the substations before powering any facilities, homes and buildings (Daneshgari, 2010). The other category is the inside contractors. These contractors specialize in providing electricity to structures around the property’s boundary lines. These may include substations and or outdoor lighting. They can serve as prime contractors dealing with all the cabling design, maintenances, and installations for institutions, commercial, as well as the residential buildings (Riley, & Goodwyn, 2000). The last category of contractors is the IBS (integrated building systems). This category also refers to as the VDV (voice/data/video). They primarily deal with the low-voltage devices and installations such as the wireless networks, climate controls, and back-up power, fiber optics and security systems among others. It is their responsibility to ensure that these systems enhance maximum energy efficiency as well as the performance of the building.
One of the best examples of an electrical contracting company is the J& J electrical contractors. In this case, we are going to analyze the general environmental and the industry assessment of the J& J Company. The Michael porter’s model of the five forces is in application to help us analyze the company. Further discussion is on the environmental areas. J &J is a family business that has been competing with the large and most comprehensive contractors in the industry. There have been several challenges facing the firm. This is because it is a small fish striving in a big pond. However, the company has been able to stand and establish profits because it focuses in the customers’ satisfaction. The company seeks to satisfy the clients no matter what it would cost them (Ahlstrom, & Bruton, 2009)....
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