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4 pages/≈1100 words
5 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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IKEA Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Content Guidelines:

In your case analysis content remember that thoroughly answering the case questions is a requirement, but thoroughness is not always sufficient to earn a passing grade on a case analysis. However, the analysis must be of sufficient depth that you are able to demonstrate significant knowledge and analytical skills in the process. The best way to demonstrate these critical thinking skills is to begin with a clear explanation of the relevant theories, ideally in your own words. Using some quotes from the textbook in proper APA Style can help, but can also leave the instructor wondering if you understand the material enough to explain it to someone else. Hence, use more of your own individual work and no more than 15% - 18% direct quotations.

 After explaining all relevant concepts to the reader, you may begin to answer the questions accurately and thoroughly. While addressing the case questions you must demonstrate the ability to apply the theory to a real situation. Sometimes it helps to envision the answer as a matrix of points to comment on. For example if there are three sub-points to a theory being applied, and four elements (people, situations, etc.) presented in the case, then there are 12 possible points of discussion in that one answer alone. If you just include a sample of these possible areas of comment, you will not earn an “A” grade. Cases are intended to be mechanisms for you to demonstrate mastery of chapter concepts by methodically describing all the applicable theoretical concepts in the correct terminology. In addition, the cases study provide a detailed framework of real-world situational issues for you to thoroughly analyze and provide a detailed assessment of how all the issues are explained within the theoretical framework you are currently studying. The result of this case analysis endeavor is that both the author and the reader attain a better understanding of the applicable theories and how they apply in the real world.


In a case analysis you must assume that the reader (your audience or the instructor) knows nothing about the case or the relevant theories. Hence, if you make a premise that is not explained and/or supported with case evidence, the instructor will assume that you don’t know enough about the premise to elaborate the point. Similarly, if you make a short generalized statement, the instructor will assume that you only possess a superficial understanding of the concept and that you are unaware of the details and the specific issues. Your answers should be clear, concise, and thorough enough for anyone to understand. Also, your premise must be persuasive enough to convince a stubborn adversary. Treat these cases with the same rigor and approach as research papers and be certain that the papers are thoroughly documented with scholarly evidence for each assertion or premise that you make. Imagine that the case responses are arguments in a court of law and it is your job to back up everything you say with previous case evidence and/or facts.


Each case analysis assignment must be supported by research of the concepts being presented that is beyond what is covered in the courses textbook. This research should assist you in improving your ability to understand course concepts or case details and assist you in constructing detailed and well-reasoned answers to the case questions. Your needs will depend on your own experience and comprehension relative to the specific case. Choose sources that are credible and directly relevant to the case and do not rely on quoting other people’s opinions without your own explanation. When any theory or evidence comes from an outside source (e.g., course textbook, research article, etc.), you must give credit by using a formal references section with properly formatted citations and quotations. Thus, each case assignment will always contain a reference section which also includes the course textbook as a source in addition to any other journals or books used as a source. All case documents must strictly adhere to APA formatting and style which is explained more thoroughly in the following section.

APA Requirements:


Make sure to follow the basic APA page format for your cases. Basic APA requirements require the use of:

1. One-inch margins all around the document

2. Times New Roman Font that is 12-point size

3. Consistent double-spacing throughout the document between all items including headings and paragraphs. There is no extra white space in an APA document

4. A "Reference" section (do not use “Works Cited”, “Bibliography”, “Sources”, or any other heading titles)

5. Standard essay type formatting with indented first line in paragraphs

6. Headings and sub-headings to break up your case analysis such as Introduction or Background, Current Issues or Analysis, Recommendations or Conclusion, and Reference section (use one or the other of the aforementioned headings…not both; case analyses are not presented in question and answer layout)

7. A minimum of five citations in the case analysis assignment with a minimum of one direct quote

8. A minimum of three sources in the Reference section (one is the textbook) and be sure to list your sources in the Reference section


It is critical to remember that you are training to be a management scientist and not a casual observer. These cases are your opportunity to practice being analytical and comprehensive as you construct evidence-based arguments. Most of the answers to the case questions contain a number of applicable theories and you are expected to address each theory in your analysis in addition to illustrating how these theories apply in the real world.


Case Study Sample Content Preview:

IKEA Case Study
Institutional Affiliation
IKEA Case Study
IKEA is considered to be one of the world’s successful furniture retailers. The company has a very large customer base and in the year 2012 an estimated 776 million customers visited their stores CITATION And12 \l 1033 (Dahlvig, 2012). In the same year, the company had 320 furnishing stores spread in 40 countries across the world. The company products are elegantly designed, low –priced and displayed in large superstores. The company was able to generate sales of approximated $27.5 billion worth of profits in the year 2012 CITATION And12 \l 1033 (Dahlvig, 2012). This paper explores different cases about the IKEA including sources of competitive advantage, strategies employed by the company among other factors that shape the success of the company.
In the 1970s the company had established itself as the most successful and largest retail stores dealing with furniture in Sweden. The company employed several competitive advantages at the time CITATION Han03 \l 1033 (Vedel & Grumsen, 2003). Some of the competitive advantages which the company employed include an excellent management team, a strong marketing strategy, high volume capacity and ownership of distribution rights. The company management practice shows the philosophy of the founders. The company has a sturdy management team who are motivated to achieve success. A strong management team enables the company to exploit other sources of competitive advantage. Also, a good management team is crucial for creating and exploiting new business opportunities. To command a large market share, the company needs to have a strong marketing strategy. A company with good market strategies wins a large market share. The company over the years has invested a lot of money on advertisement and marketing research hence gaining more of competitive advantage as compared to their competitors in the market. The IKEA Company over the years has been known to produce a high volume of their products. Maintaining a high volume of production ensures a sustainable competitive advantage. It is normally achieved by lowering the profit margin and recouping it by ensuring large volume sales and turnover. Most of the successful companies have been found out to retain their distribution rights. IKEA’s ability to retain their distribution right gave them a competitive advantage among their competitors CITATION Joh10 \l 1033 (Sttenebo, 2010).
In Europe, the furniture business was largely fragmented. The available furniture in the market at the time was expensive, lacked elegant design and was not readily available for delivery. IKEA introduced elegant, clean and great designs in the market that was priced relatively cheaper as compared to existing furniture in the market at the time CITATION Han03 \l 1033 (Vedel & Grumsen, 2003). The company introduced cheap furniture that was readily available in the market. The move by the IKEA was highly welcomed and it soon attracted a large customer share, and the company experienced instant success CITATION BoE09 \l 1033 (Edvardsson & Enquist, 2009). With good organization and management team, the company was able to compete effectively and...
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