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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Why Domino's Would use an Acquisition Strategy to Achieve Strategic Competitiveness?

Case Study Instructions:

The ISBN is 978-1-111-82587-4 and the name of the book is Strategic Management by Hitt, Ireland and Hoskisson. It was a study done from Arizona State University. Names of the authors are: Benjamin Archer, Jessica Dunphy, Steven Carter, Ioana Ludwick, Mitchel Nosack and Aatif Qadeer. 
1.Read the Domino's Case Study in Case Study section of the text..
2.Write a summary of the case study. Be sure to discuss reasons why Domino's would use an acquisition strategy to achieve strategic competitiveness..
Your summary should be a minimum of 2-3 double-spaced pages and must be in your own words. Use APA style. You must include 3-5 references. Only one reference may be from the internet (not Wikipedia). The other references must be located within the Grantham University online library. Only the body of the paper will count towards the page requirement. Please see the rubric below.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Dominion pizza case study
Dominion Pizza is ranked number two pizza restaurant after pizza hut and is leading pizza delivery segment with market share of around 20%. Recent year's Dominion has suffered negative reputation that has seen its domestic revenue slump. Faced with growing reputational damage and stiff competition, Dominion has revitalized their menu, put in a robust order and delivery system in a bid to catch up with the changing technology. This paper seeks to analyze dominion case study and also explore acquisition strategy to be used by Dominion in an attempt to gain strategic competitiveness.
Dominion was founded 1960, and relied on a simple menu to that produced superior pizza and excellent customer service to its clients dominion rise to dominance is credited with the simple list. Later on, Dominion introduced a delivery guarantee that promised delivery within "half an hour" of "half a dollar off." It also founded a college of pizzaorology and various other acquisitions that would later spur its growth.
Dominion business segments are based on three pillars on which its sales and progression depended. These segments are domestic stores, international subsidiary and local supply chain units. These threes are managed from a head office in Michigan that provides human resource, accounting, marketing, legal and franchise development. The domestics as a mixture of company-owned restaurants and franchises. The Dominion company faces still challenge in the market. The number increases with dominions expansion of the menu to accommodate a larger demographic. Major competitors include pizza hut, papa john, and little Caesars. (Hitt, Hoskisson, & Ireland, 2013)
As mentioned earlier, various companies are vying to unseat dominion in pizza delivery and carryout market. They compete not only in taste and prices but also in general trend. Dominion business strategy is to select a location that benefits its core business of delivery and carryout as it is not keen on customers dining on its premises. Dominion primary strategy is delivery, this is buoyed by consistent Logistical operation that help keep the overhead cost of operation low. It also uses routing strategy to lower the rate of late delivery to enable stores to meet haste using advance product inventory.
Another strategy is minimizing cost, known to be offering a single product that is pizza, which means expansion only took place in a form of new business premises and ...
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