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Case Study
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BUS599 MOD01 Case: Whole Food Market Strategic Analysis

Case Study Instructions:

Module 1 - Case
Strategic Review
Assignment Overview
Communication from Art Epance:
Welcome to this project. ABC Company and Whole Foods Market expect us to provide them with top-notch advice on how to integrate Whole Foods into ABC Company. I will be working on analyzing ABC Company. You will be working on analyzing Whole Foods Market. Review as much information as you can on the Whole Foods Market website, particularly that in the "Investor Relations" section. At a minimum, review the following materials in preparation for your report/analysis:
Required Reading
Reuters Company Profile: Whole Foods Market. Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://www(dot)reuters(dot)com/finance/stocks/companyProfile?symbol=WFM.O
Case study: http://pnphillip(dot)asp(dot)radford(dot)edu/whole%20Foods%20Case.pdf (be sure that you do not rely on this document as your primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources).
Thompson, A. (2015, Sep. 16). Whole Foods Market’s generic & intensive growth strategies. Retrieved from http://panmore(dot)com/whole-foods-market-generic-strategy-intensive-growth-strategies (again, do not rely on this document as a primary source of information, but be sure that you have synthesized information from multiple sources).
Whole Foods Market website: http://www(dot)wholefoodsmarket(dot)com/ Retrieved on November 7, 2012.
Whole Foods Market (about the company) Whole Foods Market Retrieved on November 7, 2012 from: http://www(dot)wholefoodsmarket(dot)com/company-info.
Whole Foods Market Annual Reports. Retrieved from: http://investor(dot)wholefoodsmarket(dot)com/investors/financial-information/annual-reports-and-proxy/default.aspx.
Review Case Analysis since it is so important in this final course. The purpose of a Case is to show that you have thought critically about the subject matter that you are learning and to make an argument for a Claim about the specific situation in the Case Assignment. Stephen Toulmin has developed an Argument Methodology that is very useful in Making a Case. To review Case Analysis and Toulmin's Argument Methodology, go to Making a Case.
Case Assignment
First, you need to do a strategic analysis of Whole Foods Market. The executives want us to provide an independent, objective view of Whole Foods Market's current strategic position, including full information of Whole Foods Market's mission, vision and values. They want to identify its current set of strategic goals, and a critical assessment of the competition and the competitive environment (remote and operating environments). Also, they want to see the opportunities and threats Whole Foods is presently facing, and they need a general idea of the company's strengths and weaknesses. Whole Foods Market and ABC Company want to know if we think they should make any strategic changes or continue with the status quo. Synthesize everything you have learned, provide a final recommendation, and justify your reasoning.
Keys to the Assignment:
1. Do diligent research on Whole Foods Market. I have included links to various websites above.
2. As an MBA, you must perform additional research to find information on competition and general trends for opportunities and threats. For the competitive analysis, identify a minimum of three of the top competitive companies and their best-selling services or products - and justify why each is a viable competitor.
3. Your report should be thorough, and follow closely the outline that I have given you. The final section is the most important one. Use excellent logic and sharp argumentation skills to make your case.
The report must be 5-7 pages minimum and no more than 10 pages.
Assignment Expectations
Your paper will be evaluated on the following seven points:
• Precision - Does the paper address the question(s) or task(s)?
• Breadth - Is the full breadth of the subject, that is, the Keys to the Assignment, addressed?
• Depth - Does the paper address the topic in sufficient depth and include the background reading and other background resources as references?
• Critical thinking - Is the subject thought about critically, that is, accurately, logically, relevantly, and precisely?
• Clarity - Is the writing clear and are the concepts articulated properly? Are paraphrasing and synthesis of concepts the primary means of responding to the questions or are points conveyed through excessive use of quotations?
• Organization - Is the paper well written? Are the grammar, spelling, and vocabulary appropriate for graduate-level work? Are headings included in all papers longer than two pages?
• Referencing (citations and references) - Does the paper include citations and quotation marks where appropriate? Are the references from the background readings and assignment present and properly cited? Are all the references listed in the bibliography present and referred to via citation?
• Optimize your research time: Get an overview of the Case Assignments so you know what information you will be looking for when you do research. As you do research for Case 1, you can also be finding information and data for the other cases, too. Continue this strategy as you do research for the next case and the next, etc. The more information you have about the chosen company, the better you will get to know it. The better you get to know it, the better your analysis will be.
• You may use a simple diagram to highlight important factors. However, do not use the diagram in lieu of valuable analysis (or to take up valuable writing space). It should be in addition to your 5-7 pages of analysis.
• Just because you have written the minimum five pages does not mean that you have adequately covered the topic. Err on the side of writing more rather than less.
• Choose the data you use carefully. Is it relevant and important?
• Include a cover page and reference page, in addition to the 5-10 pages of analysis described above.
• Include section headings within the paper.
• Cite and reference all sources that you use in your work, including those that you paraphrase. This means include citations and quotation marks for direct quotes of more than five words, and citations for that information which you have "borrowed" or paraphrased from other sources.
• Follow guidelines for well-written papers.
Search for articles in the business and trade press that give an independent view of the company; you do not want to depend solely on corporate information. Check the financial websites such as Yahoo Finance, MSN Money, Morningstar, Dunn & Bradstreet, and Standard and Poor's, as well as IBISWorld (http://clients1(dot)ibisworld(dot)com/) for reports by industry and financial analysts. Wiki's and blogs are good ways to get an "inside" look and helpful for evaluating corporate culture/climate.
Please include the required diagram.
Please ensure that each reference used has a URL that works (This is very important)

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Whole Food Market Strategic Analysis
Whole Food Market Strategic Analysis
A company with a vision that is grounded in sustainability always wins outlasts its competitors. Whole Foods Market (WFM) is an example of a company that always evolves and adapts to the new market changes. The company has thus been able to withstand even the hardest economic times while re-inventing itself. In the business environment, having a solid foundation that is reinforced by a clear vision, a purposeful mission, and unique values propagates a company to greater profits. WFM is made unique by its values as well as its quest to be the leading organic food company in not just the US but also in the other places that the business has branched to. The management of the enterprise understands the work and commitment that is required to propel the company to further greatness and success and has always worked to ensure that WFM is among the best if not the best in the food industry. The food industry is indeed complex, and only the companies that restructure and realign themselves can succeed. In this article, WFM’s strategic position and goals, competition and competitive environment as well as the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats will be analyzed.
WFM’s motto is “Whole Foods, Whole People, Whole Planet.” The management of the company has managed to build the company around the above motto and clients have responded in kind. According to the company’s website, their “vision reaches far beyond being a food retailer. Our success in fulfilling our vision is measured by customer satisfaction, team member happiness and excellence, return on capital investment, improvement in the state of the environment and local and larger community support.” Earning the client’s beliefs as well as trust is indeed something that companies always look forward to and through its vision and motto, WFM has managed to not only attract new customers but also to reinforce the belief that the old ones had. The company sells itself as a caring partner in the food industry, and clients have identified with their culture.
WFM’s mission statement is not only something that helps to market the company but also gives them an edge over their competitors. The mission statement reads: “Whole Food Market is a dynamic leader in the quality food business. We are a mission-driven company that aims to set the standards of excellence for food retailers. We are building a business in which high standards permeate all aspects of our company. Quality is a state of mind at Whole Foods Market.” Every company strives to be a leader in whichever industry they are in, and WFM is not any different. However, how companies act or work sets them apart and determines who will be successful and who will always take scraps after the main dish has been served. By emphasizing on quality as well as a culture of excellence, WFM has managed to earn the trust and mark of an excellent partner in the food industry and thus set itself a...
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