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Teaching Evaluation Tool in Higher Education Setting

Article Instructions:

Obtain a copy of a tool that is used to evaluate teaching in a higher education setting.
Summarize the instrument and explore how the organization uses the tool as part of teacher performance evaluation.
Describe how this tool may be used to monitor the effectiveness of learning plans.
Prepare a 350- to 700-word paper that summarizes your findings.
Include at least two professional sources from the University Library.

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Teaching Evaluation Tool in Higher Education Setting
Teaching evaluation is a very vital component in ensuring that the objectives of any particular course of study are met. Evaluation ensures that the teaching methods adopted by a faculty or an instructor are developmental and they promote the learning of the students. Effective teaching involves all the activities that an instructor will tend to use in the teaching process to ensure that the educational objectives of that particular course are met (Davis, 2009). For effective teaching to be achieved there is need for the instructor and the faculty to adopt an evaluation process which will help in checking the curriculum and the methodologies that are used in the teaching process (Danielson, 2013). Evaluation tools include self-reviews, peer evaluations, student ratings, and student performances reviews that are helpful in determining the effectiveness of teaching and the methodologies that are adopted in any given learning setting. The selection of the tool to use in teaching evaluation depends on the educational setting and the methodologies that are used in the teaching process such as lecturing, presentations, and practical supervision.
Peer evaluation is one of the most relevant and most-used tools in measuring and evaluating the effectiveness of teaching (Davis, 2009). In choosing the evaluation tool to use in evaluating the effectiveness of teaching in a higher education setting, an institution should put into consideration the pool of data sources that will ensure the process of evaluation is successful. In peer review the students are important sources of information regarding the teaching process and the process involves the students, instructors and peers from the faculty who conduct the evaluation to determine how effective the teaching methodologies are. The evaluation process takes into consideration the goals and objectives of the course of study, the teaching methods used by the instructor, the responsiveness of the students which is determined by reviews on the outcomes at the completion of the course and the skills that the study course teaches them (Chen & Hoshower, 2008).
Peer review as an educational evaluation tool has been widely adopted in varied learning settings. This is due to the fact that information can be collected at hand about the effectiveness of the teaching methods and corrective measures put in place to check the weaknesses established. The evaluation process is aimed at identifying the strengths, weaknesses and significant improvements which could be done on the teaching methods to ensure that the goals and objectives of then study course are met (Davis, 2009). Evaluation is important in that it determ...
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