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Social Sciences
Article Critique
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Critical Review of a Research Paper. Social Sciences. Article Critique

Article Critique Instructions:

In this assignment students are asked to offer a critique one of her/his fellow classmate’s papers.
1. You can use the grading rubric from Research Paper - Part 5: Final Draft and Submission, specifically the “activity / competencies demonstrated” column, as a partial guide to categories of evaluation.
a. You are not being asked to grade the paper, but only to give a formal written evaluation of it.
b. You are to write your Peer Paper Evaluation knowing that your instructor has already read the paper.
c. Systematically critique the essay based on this rubric.
d. Outline both the strengths and weaknesses of the paper.
e. Suggest changes that would, in your opinion, make the paper better.
f. Conclude with a statement of your overall impression of the paper.
g. There is no need to re-state the paper’s argument, but rather, your evaluation is to be primarily about describing the strengths and/or problems you see in the paper as it treats its topic. You are to evaluate the argument, how the paper’s thesis is developed, and the way the paper is put together
2. Evaluation are to exhibit the same high standards for objectivity as was required for essays
3. Finally, when scholars use the term ‘critique’ or “critical evaluation” - what your Peer’s Paper Evaluation is to be - this does not mean that your evaluation is meant to be ‘critical’ in the common pejorative sense of the word. What it means is that you need to use what you write to explore the findings and arguments of your fellow-student’s paper. As in the writing of your own essay, you will be asking the questions, “is this true”, “is this proven”, and “what other things should be considered?”
4. Your peer review should be 1,000 words (+/- 100 words) formally written following APA format. Do not count any reference citations you may use in your word count.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

A Critical Review of a Research Paper
Students Name
Invisible power or false conciseness has become a reality in today’s professional world hindering people from succeeding. The mind is a very powerful tool you own but can destroy you when it takes control. While some argue that, you can use invisible power to your advantage it remains unproven as the resolve that one is powerless to sexual harassment for women at the office and many other ideologies continue to grow strong and shape the business world. One can then wonder if self-conciseness is itself a power instrument or if it develops due to the different visible instruments in existence. How then does invisible power or false conciseness affect our professional lives and how can we overcome this mental weight. While the research produced reliable information on the same, clearly showing the different ways false conciseness affect us and discussing invisible power to our understanding there exist limitations that led to the loss of an attempt to reach a conclusion that would benefit our professional lives.
In summary, the research touches on several aspects of invisible power or false consciences and concludes with how we can overcome it to become successful in our professional lives. The author collects and uses sufficient information to explain the different dynamics of the topic, including political, feminism and invisible power at the workplace. You can tell from the proper citation and quotation of various scholars that the author did the proper background on the topic to bring it our full understanding. It is quite useful for any student interested in the problem as they ask good questions and answers provided. For the definition purposes, the author does well because from the explanation even a nonprofessional can understand what invisible power is, how it applies in different fields if it is a powerful instrument and how we can overcome it. We are from the understanding able to conclude that false unconsciousness is in mind and a result of how we perceive situations. It shapes our social and economic position, depending on how far the thoughts go.
The topic discussed is an important one, especially during this time when many emphases are on mental health and ways of improving it in the public domain. Grammar is the author’s strongest suit as it shows in how they communicate the ideas. Your language can make or break you when it comes to academic research. Significant, complicated, and even the simplest grammar mistakes can lead to questioning of your credibility as a researcher. The author overcomes this and meets the grammatical threshold of any work. Another strong aspect noted is the attention to detail with the topics in question form well discussed, and the relevant sources cited. The problem solving is in a strategic manner, which has helped shape overall research (Day, 2018, p. 52). it can be a good reference fo...
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