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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Article Critique
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Research Article Appraisal Representative Population

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Research Article Appraisal
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Research Article Appraisal
The article evaluates the effectiveness of the community-school based program made to conduct a campaign on the ways of preventing and living Asthma free lives. An academic health program is organized to ensure that the targeted population is responsible enough to take care of themselves and fight against the disease. The process would involve counseling sessions including the purpose of the study, Staying Healthy- Asthma Responsible & Prepared (SHARP). The evaluation included school and community participation because the Asthma mortality rate is high among adolescents and older-school students hence carrying out the work in the learning institutions would help to capture the target population (Kintner, Cook, Marti, & Stoddard, 2015). Researchers employed specific designs and methods to ensure efficiency in the learning program. Certain samples of the required population represented the entire group of people needed for the evaluation. Analysis of the representative population takes place in an attempt to acquire sufficient answers. The final results allow the care-givers to improve the practices of effective self-care behaviors to minimize the rate of asthma attacks.
The population of the study involved caregivers of two hundred and five students in their grade four and five at the time of selection. All the scholars had their ages ranging from fourteen to nineteen years whereby the adolescents in this age bracket suffered from inefficient self-care to prevent asthma. Random sampling is contacted whereby only certain representatives of each group of students are chosen to give a part of the whole. Some of the groups include; race, enrollment numbers, math scores, and ethnic ratios. The method of sampling chosen ensured that all the members of the population got represented in the study by covering all the available groups in the demographic required. All the twenty-three selected schools accommodated students from all levels of the population like; minorities, middle-class families and sets found in the inner city. The selection gave the study a sense that people did not suffer from asthma due to poverty. The sample size allocated for the study proves that the sampling technique used had a greater level of bias because only six families without a specific number of students given withdrew from the research (ISixSigma-Editorial, 2018). There exists a high probability, not all the selected students who did not take part in the study had withdrawn for personal reasons as indicated in the text. An eligibility chart showed that the number of victims had reduced to 12% over twenty-four months hence giving the inclusion and exclusion procedure implemented. Random sampling is an accurate method because all the population is represented in the samples selected. The planned sample size is determined by the number of students willing to participate without constraints from their family settings. The selection process for the sample size did not face a great length of refusal because only six families withdrew and the final sample size became two hundred and five. At the end of the study, the sample size had reduced to one hundred and fifty g...
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