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Assignment: Select a Multimedia Presentation Tool 12.19

Article Critique Instructions:

Week 5 - Assignment: Select a Multimedia Presentation Tool 
  Due December 20 at 11:59 PM
For this assignment, you will select three current options for creating multimedia presentations that you have available to you. For example, you might wish to compare a narrated PowerPoint, a Screencast-O-Matic recording, and a Prezi presentation. Feel free to use these three options or to select the options that best fit your current personal and professional presentation needs.
In preparation for your Signature Assignment for this class where you will use one of these multimedia presentation tools, evaluate the pros and cons of each presentation tool. After spending time researching and playing with each tool, respond to the following questions:
What is the best way for you to become familiar with a new presentation tool that you have not previously used? (For example, do you like to watch YouTube videos, talk to people who have previously used the tool, conduct web searches for instructional documents, etc.?) Describe your process.
Which three presentation tools did you choose to compare for this assignment and why?
Which tool seems most user-friendly and why?
Which tools would allow you to create the most engaging multimedia presentations and why?
Which of these tools will you be using for your Signature Assignment and why?
What additional training do you need to complete to be ready to use this tool and incorporate multimedia in the form of audio and visuals in Week 7 to record your tutorial for your Signature Assignment?
Length: 3-4 pages
References: At least 3 references in APA format, supporting the information you share about the capabilities of your selected presentation tools
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Academic Integrity Policy.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Multimedia Presentation Tool
Multimedia Presentation Tool
In today’s technological world, there are various tools that can be used for creating multimedia presentations. Usually, the type of multimedia tool used depends largely on how efficient it is in terms of meeting the needs of the audience and saving on time. Ideally, the use of multimedia presentations is associated with engaging the audience, improving the clarity of the message and sustaining the interest levels of the audience. With this in mind, this paper seeks to explore three tools for creating multimedia presentations; PowerPoint, Prezi and Screencast-O-Matic. These tools are the most used currently because of their unique features, some of which will be discussed below.
Using a new presentation tool that one has not used before can be quite challenging. Therefore, the best way that I use to familiarize myself with any new presentation tool that I have not been used before is by searching and watching YouTube videos on the presentation tool. YouTube has a wide range of resources when it comes to learning new technologies. The first step of the process involves typing in the keywords and terms I wish to search for in the YouTube search box. For example, how to create a PowerPoint presentation, or how to make a Screencast-O-Matic recording or how to create a Prezi presentation. After this, all the related search results are presented from which I can choose the appropriate ones to use based on the number of views and length of the video. Since YouTube provides both audio and video content, it has proven to be a reliable source of information in helping to familiarize with any new presentation tool.
For this assignment, I chose to compare three presentation tools, which include PowerPoint, Screencast-O-Matic and Prezi because they are the mostly used tools currently. These three tools present information in visual, auditory and kinesthetic forms, which help in improving the clarity of information, engages the audience and sustains their interest (Nagmoti, 2017). The use of these multimedia presentation tools can help in improving the rate of knowledge retention amongst the people who are watching or listening to the presentation and their unique features explain why they were chosen. Screencast-O-Matic is unique in that it has video creation tools, video editor and a screen recorder, which make it easy for webcams or screens to be recorded and videos to be made. This software has functions that are easy to use and also has a scripting function that allows for scripts to be added to any videos or recordings. The PowerPoint presentation tool on the other hand has a great visual impact because of its use of images, videos and audio. When projected, the PowerPoint can be used for larger audiences as compared to the other presentation tools. The ability to move from one slide to another by a simple stroke of the key makes the PowerPoint tool easy to use since it allows for a smooth presentation. The Prezi tool was selected for its unique multi-dimensional presentation whereby all presentation elements are usually created and arranged on a large canvas (Spernjak, 2014). The presenter can zoom in and out on different information or objects d...
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