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2 pages/≈550 words
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Business & Marketing
Article Critique
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Tactile Branding Leads Us by Our Fingertips

Article Critique Instructions:
Please read the following article: http://www(dot)applied-iconology(dot)com/images/TactileBrandingCTVca.pdf And write the following: 1- Summary of the article: it shouldn't be more than one-quarter of the assignment. 2- Analysis of the article with specific reference to how the principles, concepts, and theories of consumer behaviour are applied in the article. (This should take three-quarters of the assignment).
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Article Analysis of Tactile Branding Leads Us by Our Fingertips
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Article analysis of tactile branding leads us by our fingertips
Summary of the article:
As corporate branders make attempts of attracting the consumer’s sense of hearing, taste, smell, and sight, they bombard their stimulation on a daily basis. The same marketers are trying to lead consumers by the fingertips towards their products by tapping into their sense of touch. Tactile branding has become aggressive than ever before. In fact, the coca cola company is one of the icon companies that came with products packaged so uniquely. Even when these products were buried in the midst of other bottles, they could still be identified by feel alone. Coke became an example that was emulated by brands such as the Heinz 57 ketchup, Moleskine notebooks, Toblerone chocolate bars, and Bic pens followed. Tactile branding is being viewed as a marketing strategy used to help consumers connect with products. Most corporate companies are making attempts of producing their products in a manner that is appealing to the customers. This aspect has made them neglect other senses of the consumer.
Analysis of the article
The marketing industry is slowly evolving, and companies have realized that the traditional modes of advertising must be replaced. Companies have traditionally focused on the sound and sight while ignoring the touch aspect. The world of branding and marketing requires that only one sense be used. They have exposed consumers to communication modes that only appeal to the sense of sight. However, these companies have realized that this aspect of marketing is not convincing enough. They have learned that products made with the feel-good quality can prompt their sales to skyrocket. This success has...
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