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Business & Marketing
Article Critique
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Globalization and Convergence– The Divergence of HRM Across Nations

Article Critique Instructions:

I need power point slides for what you write try to write about Culture and Globalisation - Divergence and Convergence Theorists due date is 21/11/2018 if any chance send it before that date by one day earlier
I attached some slides maybe give you idea and main structures for CA please I need to write exactly what the lecturer want.
Just do The article critique is 2750 words

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Article Critique
In the article ‘Globalization and convergence– the divergence of HRM across nations: New measures, explanatory theory, and non-standard predictions from bringing in economics’ Kaufman seeks to contribute important information on the topic of comparative and IHRM with regards to the nature of convergence and divergence trends in HR practices and systems across various countries. Kaufman (2016) acknowledges that human resource management practices vary across organizations and that certain factors affect how human resource systems exist across countries. However, Kaufman also states that there are flaws in the existing theories in HR management, and the current measures and definitions of human resource divergence and convergence. The research identifies and criticizes the theories such as universal versus contextual paradigms. These theories seek to explain the forces unleashed by globalization that have driven IHRM convergence and divergence. Kaufman (2016) mentions the heated debate on convergence and divergence over whether HRM systems together with the specific activities comprising them are becoming dissimilar or similar across different countries as time goes by, and mentions that despite the disagreements, both groups agree that the economic forces that result from globalization are the main drivers of HRM convergence and divergence. However, the Kaufman’s main concern is the fact that despite this agreement, the researchers come up with theoretical perspectives that fail to extensively describe, “the economic part of the cause-effect logic that leads to convergence or divergence” (Kaufman, 2016, p. 338). The Kaufman’s article offers a new means of predicting and explaining the changes that lead to HRM convergence and divergence, with much focus on the economic principles of economic geography and international trade to explain how global competition has affected cross-national industry patterns. The main argument in Kaufman’s article is that current theories have failed to provide enough information concerning the economic part of globalization that drives IHRM convergence or divergence.
The reason for choosing this article is because I wanted to select an article that relates to the topic of culture and globalization, more specifically divergence or convergence. Kaufman (2016) offers a broad description of the effects of globalization on driving HRM convergence or divergence. Aside from its relevance, the article also challenges other theories that relate to convergence and divergence, hence offering a broader perspective on the issue of globalization and IHRM systems, and how they are affected.
The Kaufman’s article begins with an abstract that provides a brief overview of the paper’s purpose. In the abstract, Kaufman has mentioned the major aspects of the article in a prescribed sequence. He begins by describing the topic in which his research is based on, which is international and comparative HRM convergence or divergence. The abstract also describes the overall design and layout of the article. He states the sequence in which he will...
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